Lee Markowitz

Lee Markowitz has been an English teacher and Track & Field coach at Mount Sinai High School for over fifteen years.  He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Secondary Education from St. Joseph’s College and his Master’s Degree in Education, with a concentration and Advanced Certificate in Educational Technology from SUNY Stony Brook.

He is a NYS Certified English Teacher.

Having taught standard and inclusion classes, Regents level and Advanced Placement English, Mr. Markowitz prides himself on remaining dynamic in the classroom, always willing to experiment with new techniques and strategies and always eager to learn from and collaborate with his colleagues.  For the past several years, he has delved into the world of professional development, relishing the opportunity to share tried and true pedagogical approaches with other dedicated educators.  He enjoys creating and conducting courses that offer useful, applicable tools for today’s teachers.

In his personal life, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons at their home in Suffolk County, NY.  His personal hobbies include cooking, reading, watching movies, and trying his hand at home improvements.

Feel free to explore his course offerings and contact him with any questions.

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read, education, books5 Key Strategies for Assigning the Research Paper
Instructor: Lee Markowitz email: MarkowitzLIIPS@gmail.com
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours)
In-Service Credit only
Course Description: 

A vital component of the secondary Humanities classroom, the Research Paper is often met with fear, anxiety, procrastination, and trepidation.  Students quickly and easily become overwhelmed by its requirements and teachers often find it difficult to convey its importance and articulate its elements.  Middle and high school teachers enrolled in this course will examine the Research Paper and explore proven strategies aimed at effectively teaching students how to properly craft a paper of this magnitude. 

Applicable to middle and high school teachers. 

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hand, write, pen5 Key Strategies for Productive Prep Periods
Instructor: Lee Markowitz email: MarkowitzLIIPS@gmail.com
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-Service Credit only

Course Description: 

While our instructional periods often consume our energy and focus, there is much that can be done during our preparatory time.  Lesson planning, grading, collaborating, the list could go on and on.  However, with numerous items to handle, our prep periods are often rendered unproductive because of how much there is to do.  What do we do first?  How do we break up the time?  How do we create an effective balance?  Teachers enrolled in this course will break down a preparatory period and explore the best ways to make the most of the time.  Doing so will lead to more productivity, better organization, a clearer state of mind, and smoother instruction.       

Applicable to all subjects/grade levels. 

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time management, clock, time-1966388.jpg5 Key Strategies for Time Management in the Classroom
Instructor: Lee Markowitz email: MarkowitzLIIPS@gmail.com
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours)

In-Service Credit only

Course Description: 

A class period can go by quickly.  Or it can drag on and on.  It’s all about the planning.  Lessons need to be carefully crafted and properly structured to ensure student engagement and make the most of the allotted time.  Teachers enrolled in this course will explore the time management aspect of lesson planning and construction as a means of facilitating learning from bell to bell.       

Applicable to all subjects/grade levels. 

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teachers, meeting, books5 Key Strategies for Handling Professional Conflicts
Instructor: Lee Markowitz email: MarkowitzLIIPS@gmail.com
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours)

In-Service Credit only

Course Description: 

We are all humans and, therefore, conflicts will arise, even in the workplace.  And there is a right way to handle these types of (sometimes unavoidable) situations.  We must remember that not only are we professionals and expected to act as such, but more importantly, we have a constant audience of students who look up to us as their role models.  While conflict handling and resolution are life lessons seldom taught in the classroom, there is much our students can learn from watching how we conduct ourselves outside of our classrooms.  Teachers enrolled in this course will explore healthy, productive ways of preventing professional conflicts, deescalating unfortunate situations, and handling problems efficiently and effectively.  

Applicable to all subjects/grade levels.

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