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Building Empathy in Schools

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

*New Course

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 Credits In Service Course (45 Hours)

Dates: Spring 2025 – June 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18.

Course Description:

This course is designed to discuss empathy and how we can build it together.  Empathy will be defined and explored.  Teachers will be given a multitude of tools to build empathy in the classroom and in the culture within the school.  Educators will work towards sympathizing and building stronger relationships through empathy and empathetic strategies.  Strategies such as “imagine self” and “imagine others” will be discussed.  Educators will work on skills to deeply understand their students’ personal and social situations, and feel care and concern for them. Positive and negative emotions will be explored as well as proper communication, understanding and how to demonstrate empathy in the classroom and in your school.  This course is a must for educators K-12.


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Kim Kittredge
