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Supporting ELLs Through the Cultural, Social and Educational Transitions

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

Instructor:  Paige MacLeod
In Service credit only
3 credits/45 hours
Course Description: There is a wide spectrum of needs that ELLs have as they immerse themselves into not only a new language, but often, a new culture and educational system. As teachers of ELLs we have the potential to be a person of guidance and safety for our students. These students have greater stresses and challenges beyond our classroom curriculum and these difficulties can frequently be divided into the categories of cultural, social, and educational. Once we have an understanding of the common issues they may face, we will know the signs to look for and, more importantly, what strategies and resources we can provide them with.  Suitable all Educators and Staff K-12.

Objective: Course participants will have an understanding of common stresses that ELL students face beyond our classroom and will share different strategies and resources to implement into their own practice.

(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Paige MacLeod
