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How to Help your Students Be Independent Learners

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

Course Description:

With all the virtual learning going on, how do we as educators help students learn independently?  This course will focus on how to facilitate lessons instead of teaching them as we have always done in the past.  With the world changing, we must too.  Students must independently create their own learning experiences, and become more active learners. It is our responsibility to teach them the skills to guide them through it.  Educators will learn how to encourage students to think creatively and take an independent and active role in their own learning.   Teachers will discuss how to first identify what it is to be an active learner, and then how to go beyond that.  Teachers will learn how to work with students to stretch their minds to the limits, help students manage time constraints, take effective notes and annotate, and be creative and organize their roles as learners on a daily basis.  This is a must for all educators of all disciplines K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

Instructor: Kim Kittredge


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Kim Kittredge
