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Preventing Career Burnout for Educators

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

Course #E5992

(3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

Course Description:  Research indicates that educators face some of the highest levels of career burnout… and that was before COVID-19!  If increasing paperwork, not having enough time in the day, dealing with challenging student behaviors and other obstacles have you stressed out, then you will surely benefit from this course.  Successfully navigating obstacles and handling stress will allow you to better serve your students for many more years.

This is a self-paced 3-credit (45 hours) course with a new format that we think you will enjoy.  Think of the format as a video-podcast that allows you to watch or listen to the course on your phone, computer, car stereo, or/and TV.  Therefore, you can access the course whenever and wherever is convenient for you!  The course will simply consist of:

  1. Watching or listening to a video that contains all the course’s content
  2. Submitting 10 written assignments
  3. Reading one required book

The content promises to be engaging, beneficial to your life, and easy to access.  It will focus on:

  • Identifying and managing stress related triggers in the workplace
  • Turning work’s obstacles into advantages
  • Building the proper mindset needed to navigate school related stressors
  • Incorporating mindful practices as stress reduction tools
  • Developing individualized self-care plans designed to reduce future work related stress

You are encouraged to sign up for this course if taking care of yourself during stressful times, and taking manageable professional development courses, are important to you.  There is no better time to reduce your stress at work and promote career longevity than now!


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Chris Korolczuk
