Summer 2025 Session

Summer 2025 Session 6/30/25 – 9/7/25

The Long Island Institute of Professional Studies Registration Form

Click Here for Full List ONLINE COURSES for all session dates listed below

IN PERSON COURSES are listed below the session dates.

Session I 6/30/25 – 7/30/25

Session IA 6/30/25 – 7/5/25 (no class 7/4/25)

Session II 7/3/25 – 8/3/25

Session III 7/7/25 – 8/17/25

Session IIIA 7/7/25 – 7/11/25

Session IV 7/9/25 – 8/9/25


Session V 7/11/25 – 8/11/25

Session VI 7/14/25 – 8/14/25

Session VIA 7/14/25 – 7/18/25

Session VIAA 7/21/25 – 8/21/25

Session VII 7/28/25 – 8/1/25

Session VIIA 8/4/25 – 9/4/25

Session VIII 8/4/25 – 8/8/25

Session VIIIA 8/11/25 – 8/15/25

Session VIIIAA 8/18/25 – 8/22/25

Session IX 8/25/25 – 8/29/25

Session IXA 9/1/25 – 9/6/25

Summer 2025 In-Person Courses

Mentoring 101Current price is: $250.00.

*New Course

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 Credits In Service Course (45 Hours)

Dates: Summer 2025 – June 30th-July 4th

Cousre Description:

Being a mentor and mentoring are both important roles for an educator.  This course will delve into what it is like to be mentor to another teacher.  We will go through the strategies and skills that should be shared from a seasoned teacher to a newer teacher.  We will also discuss how when you a mentor a student in class he help them to become the best version of themselves.  Mentors in all roles are here to guide and provide.  Educators will leave this course with a better sense of how to work with teachers and students to be the perfect mentor for today. This course is a must for educators K-12.

Promoting Lessons for College and Career ReadinessCurrent price is: $250.00.

*New Course

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 Credits In Service Course (45 Hours)

Dates: Summer 2025 – July 7th-11th

Cousre Description:

College and Career Readiness is the new expression in schools today.  What exactly does it mean?  How do we help our students achieve it?  How do we model our lessons? This course is designed for educators who want to work with their students and get them to the next level.  Educators who are looking to explore higher order thinking strategies for their students will explore practices to use daily.  Teachers will work to share critical thinking, communication, collaboration and other components that students will need in the future for uses in the real-world.  Educators will feel confident in sharing their lessons and promoting readiness in all students. This course is a must for educators K-12.

Best Practices for a Successful ClassroomCurrent price is: $250.00.

*New Course

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 Credits In Service Course (45 Hours)

Dates: Summer 2025 – July 14th-18th

Cousre Description:

What are some of the best practices educators can use in their classrooms?  This course will work towards providing teachers the tools for teaching using some of the best practices that have been used for years.  Educators will discuss proper communication and management skills, classroom creativity and motivation, as well as how to deal with our daily teaching challenges.  Strategies will be shared for at risk students as well as how to mainstream your English language learners.  Educators will also receive tips on how to deal with parents, work on managing grades and maintaining attendance policies. Educators will leave this course feeling that they can successfully teach using their new toolbox of best practices. This course is a must for educators K-12.

Cell Phone Use in SchoolsCurrent price is: $250.00.

*New Course

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 Credits In Service Course (45 Hours)

Dates: Summer 2025 – July 21st-25th

Course Description:

To use or not to use, that is the question!?  This course will discuss the use of cell phones in the classroom and in schools.  Educators will examine how cell phones can get in the way of learning and can be a daily distraction.  We will also talk about how phones can help our students on a day-to-day basis.  Teachers will discuss how phones can help our students with research or other areas of study if their laptops are not charged.  Topics such as what it was like before cell phones were around will be discussed.  This course is a must for all educators grades K-12.

The Creative TeacherCurrent price is: $250.00.

*New Course

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 Credits In Service Course (45 Hours)

Dates: Summer 2025 – July 28th-Aug 1st

Course Description:

A creative teacher is a teacher that students remember.  This type of teacher is a pleasure to be around, makes you laugh and makes you want to come to class every day.  This course will arm educators with the positive and fun strategies they will need to be the creative teacher they want to be.  Strategies such as games in the classroom, exciting cooperative learning activities, and how to build positive and strong relationships that inspire your students will be discussed.  By the end of this course educators will feel that they have enough strategies to inspire their students for free exploration and an open atmosphere in the classroom.  This course is a must for all educators grades K-12.

Connecting Families to LearningCurrent price is: $250.00.

*New Course

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 Credits In Service Course (45 Hours)

Dates: Summer 2025 – August 4th-8th

Course Description:

The learning process takes a village.  It’s not just important to have the teachers, guidance and administrators on your side, but you must have a supportive family behind you.  This course will work with educators and their families to build important relationships. Educators will work on strategies that connect all students to learning and to the learning process. Teachers will be able to share the importance of learning, mindset, communication and more.  Educators will work on daily routines to build support with their students.  Practices will also be shared that can be brought home and worked on with your family.  By the end of this course, educators and families will realize how important it is to make and keep these positive connections for the sake of the students, the family relationships and the learning process.  This course is a must for all educators grades K-12.

Creative Writing for All Subjects: Prompts for Every EducatorCurrent price is: $250.00.

*New Course

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 Credits In Service Course (45 Hours)

Dates: Summer 2025 – August 11th-15th

Course Description:

Using creative writing in all subjects will provide our students with the capacity to better read, research, reflect and more.  Educators will discuss interdisciplinary writing rules, the 7 different types of writing, creative writing assignments and how to better reflect as we write.  Educators will work on strategies for structuring creative writing no matter what the subject.  Activities will also be shared for how to strengthen the writing of all students in all areas.  A plethora of creative writing prompts will be shared for all subjects and areas of teaching.  By the end of this course students will learn how to open their minds, be imaginative and work towards the goal of clarity, completeness and creativity.  This course is a must for all educators grades K-12.

Extending Literary Symbols and Art Beyond the ClassroomCurrent price is: $250.00.

*New Course

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 Credits In Service Course (45 Hours)

Dates: Summer 2025 – August 18th – 22nd

Course Description:

Connecting literature and reading to the daily lives of our students is a tremendous task. Educators who take this course will work on text connections, human connections and deeply engaging with text.  Teachers will work on literary activities such as theme, literary devices, figurative language, plot, quotations and characterization just to name a few.  Activities and strategies will be shared on uses of literary symbols and connections to text and our students’ lives.  Symbolism through art and literature will also be discussed.  Learning how to teach these symbolic and artistic connections and continue to engage our students will lead them to a more effective and positive future.  This course is a must for all educators of all grades K-12.

Strategies to Make Learning StickCurrent price is: $250.00.

*New Course

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 Credits In Service Course (45 Hours)

Dates: Summer 2025 – August 25th-29th

Course Description:

This course will deal with the tried-and-true form of teaching learning.  As educators we should teach our students to work smarter, not harder! This course will provide teachers with simple strategies that will make students’ time in your classroom worth it!  Students will learn and study more effectively and make learning stick.  Educators will discuss in this course research on how the brain works and thus retains information.  Teachers will discuss the day-to-day reality of teaching and learning strategies to a dynamic classroom of students of all levels. Educators will discuss the basics of how the brain takes in and stores information, as well as best practices for retrieval of daily information.  Easy-to-implement strategies will be shared to help guide any educator through lessons that can improve outcomes for all students. This course is a must for all educators grades K-12.