Kim Kittredge

Hello! My name is Kim Kittredge and I’m so glad you chose to take some of my courses. I am currently an English teacher in the Brentwood School District. I have been working in Brentwood for almost 27 years.  I have also been a professor for The Long Island Institute of Professional Studies (LIIPS) for almost 22 years.  I have a Bachelor’s Degree in English with a concentration in Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Public Relations and Secondary Education.  I taught 8th grade English for about 8 years and have been teaching 7th grade ever since.  I love teaching middle school so much that I decided I would never leave!   I also teach AIS; Academic Intervention Services; for the students who need that extra push. I love teaching all my professional development courses for LIIPS.  It really gives me a great sense of satisfaction working with my fellow teachers.   I am always researching to further my courses and course listings, and to my help my LIIPS students succeed with their educational goals.  On a personal level, I am a wife and mother.  My husband is also a middle school educator.  I am the mother of 13-year old twins: a girl and a boy, and wow, do they keep me busy!  I am a Disney fanatic and an avid beachgoer.  In the summers I keep busy with teaching my LIIPS courses, spending time with my wonderful family, going to the beach and camping.  I also love to garden, bake, and am a bit of an amateur photographer.  Thank you for joining the LIIPS family!

Check out my course offerings:

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writing, write, fountain penHelping Kids Write
Course Description:Writing can be complex and difficult activity for students of all ages. Writing is more than just a skill or taleant, it is a means of investigation and expression for learning. This course explores writing for learning in all grades and disciplines. In this course we will expose educators to effective approaches and best practices for helping students learn to write. Educators will discuss how ideas about how and wh to teach writing have progressed dramatically in recent years. Then teachers can work towads providiing the appropriate writiing activities for their students. A must for all educators grades K – 12.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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storytelling, fantasy, imaginationLiteracy and Learning: How to Succeed Utilizing Next Generation Standards
Spring 2024: April: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17 & 18

Course Description: In order for our students to develop better, more sophisticated literacy skills to succeed, they need to work hard to meet the demands around them. Literacy is more than just learning how to read, it is writing skills, speaking skills, solving problem, and beyond. In this course, educators in will develop and share tools and activities to strengthen their students’ literacy skills and help them succeed utilizing the new Next Generation Standards. This is a must for all teachers of all disciplines and subject areas K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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classroom, school, educationOrchestrating a Community of Learners: How to Effectively Manage Your Classroom

Course Description: This course is designed to equip educators with the tools they will need to effectively manage a successful classroom. Teachers will examine up to date, research-based concepts and strategies for orchestrating a learning-based classroom community. Educators will share lessons and experiences, procedures that work, and examine effective steps for managing a successful group of learners. The classroom climate, physical environment, rules and procedures, teaching flow, and positive and negative behavior responses will all be explored. This course is a must for educators grades K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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boys, children, readingReading for A Success in Your Classroom

Course Description: This course is designed to look into the mind of readers. Educators will explore how students think when they are reading subject-matter and texts in your classroom. Do students make the connections and interactions you want them to as they read? Educators will share strategies for reading success with your students no matter what the subject area or age of your students. We will look into what works and what doesn’t and share techniques and reading lessons. This course is a must for all K-12 educators.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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sketch, cute, childFundamentals of STEM and STEAM Lessons: Exploring and Creating a World of Fun

Course Description: This course will explore the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mechanics) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Mechanics). We will define how you can begin a STEM or STEAM program, and how you could enrich your classroom with activities and hands-on learning. In this course you will create your own lessons as well as discover new ways to add knowledge and fun to your classroom.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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writing, write, fountain penTeaching Writing to English Learners

Course Description: This course is designed to provide the ESL, general education, and all subject area teachers with the skills necessary to teach students al all levels of language acquisition ho to make connections, ask questins, vsualize, infer, determine importace synthesize, monitor meaning and comprehension, and continue learning independently through guided texts and authors. A must for all educators grade K – 12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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kindness, accepting, attunedTeaching the Respectful Student

Course Description:

How do we teach respect? Respect from our students is one of the greatest issues educators face day to day when trying to educate our students. Has respect been lost, or do children just need to be reminded of it from time to time? This course will look into this phenomenon. As educators we need to work on this generation of students and their idea of respect and the culture behind it. In this course we will discuss how crucial respect is to achieving success in the classroom and in life. In this course, educators will explore the impact of cultural values, work ethic, family life and various other factors that influence students inside and outside of our schools. This course will incorporate the many factors that go into teaching students respect. This course is a must for all educators grades K-12. 

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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education, back to school, school suppliesWelcome Back: Promoting Positivity and Production

Course Description: A new school year comes with new challenges on how to welcome our students back to our rooms and promote positivity.   As educators we need to find ways for our students to feel calm and less stressed, while also helping them to become productive individuals in our classrooms.  This course is designed to assist educators with “welcome back” procedures as well as promoting a well-balanced classroom.  Teachers will learn how to promote effective strategies for positivity and comfort while examining how to maintain a working classroom climate.   A variety of practical and effective techniques for relaxation, behavior and over-all positivity will be shared.    This is a must for all teachers of all disciplines K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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meditation, mindfulness, natureHelping Students De-Stress for Success (Bringing Mindfulness to Students and Teachers)

Course Description: This course will discuss what mindfulness is and what it is not.  Teachers will focus on how to help your students address stress and anxiety and achieve a calm stress-free classroom.  Educators will share the benefits of de-stressing and how well it works in school communities and classrooms.  This course is a must for all instructors of all levels K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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class, discussion, girlsHow to Help your Students Be Independent Learners

Course Description: With all the virtual learning going on, how do we as educators help students learn independently?  This course will focus on how to facilitate lessons instead of teaching them as we have always done in the past.  With the world changing, we must too.  Students must independently create their own learning experiences, and become more active learners. It is our responsibility to teach them the skills to guide them through it.  Educators will learn how to encourage students to think creatively and take an independent and active role in their own learning.   Teachers will discuss how to first identify what it is to be an active learner, and then how to go beyond that.  Teachers will learn how to work with students to stretch their minds to the limits, help students manage time constraints, take effective notes and annotate, and be creative and organize their roles as learners on a daily basis.  This is a must for all educators of all disciplines K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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