Tara McCarney

Hello! My name is Tara McCarney and I’m so excited to have the opportunity to be part of the LIIPS family! I have been teaching Special Education since 2005 and love what I do.   I attended Dowling College where I earned my Masters in Childhood Education Grades 1-6 and Students with Disabilities Grades 1-6.  Subsequently, I then earned my extensions in B-2 and 7-12.   When I am not working,  I am spending time with my husband, three children, and our dog.    I am looking forward to working with you!  

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boy, child, dad-2025099.jpgABC’s of Collaborating with Families
*NEW COURSE LATE SPRING 2022 – FIRST SESSION AVAILABLE is Session XXIII 5/16 – 6/16/22 ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-service credit only Instructor: Tara McCarney TaraMcCarneyLIIPS@gmail.com   Course Description:  The relationship between educators and parents is crucial in a student’s academic success.  It is imperative that educators form a healthy positive form of communication between a child’s home and school environment.  This not only ensures their academic success but also allows both the educator and parent to evaluate the child’s social-emotional well-being as well.  With all of the changes over the years in what the typical American family structure looks like, it is important to obtain a strong level of parental involvement and support. Educators in this course will examine styles of methods for communicating with families.  This class will help educators examine the different types of communication platforms educators can use to engage parents to achieve their support in the education process.  Suitable for all Educator or Service Provider, K – 12
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teacher, learning, school-4784917.jpgThe Organized Teacher
*NEW COURSE SUMMER 2022  ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-service credit only Instructor: Tara McCarney Email: TaraMcCarneyLIIPS@gmail.com Course Description:  This course is designed to guide classroom teachers to becoming more organized in the classroom setting.  The focus will be on creating a classroom that is organized, safe, and welcoming while meeting your students’ needs. In this course, you will learn how to manage time-sensitive tasks, create a classroom schedule, and organize and prioritize classroom materials.  Suitable for all educators K-12.
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