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A Look into the LGBT Community in Our Schools

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

The population in our classrooms is always evolving. Ten percent of the population is gay, bisexual, or transgender. These students come to school with needs like any other student. They have a right to feel safe and accepted in order to learn. When a child feels that they are not accepted by their peers they often seek the advice of someone they can talk to in a confidential setting, and teachers need to be prepared to help a student in this situation. This course will help any educator to be a reliable source for their students who feel marginalized due to their sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. This course is suitable for K-12 educators, related service providers, and special area teachers.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service only


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Michelle Reimers
