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All About: Managing Student Behavior in Remote & Blended Learning Environments

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.


In March of 2020, educators entered the “unchartered waters” of remote instruction quickly adapting curriculum and instruction to virtual classrooms and a variety of online platforms. But what about behavior and classroom management systems? How did classroom routines and reinforcement systems work virtually?
As time marched on, educators expressed ongoing challenges with keeping their students actively engaged and behaving appropriately during remote instruction. Educators sought to implement classroom procedures in the virtual classroom and many quickly realized that maintaining attention or compliance remotely is not the same as when you are face to face.
This course will provide participants the opportunity to reflect on their current in school behavior and classroom management practices and learn how to extend them to a virtual learning environment.
Participants will learn what is considered best practice when managing behavior remotely with a focus on creating systems and plans that are consistent in both learning environments.
Participants will plan to pivot seamlessly between in person and remote instruction as needed.
Participants will learn all about digital resources designed for behavior and classroom and will consider and make decisions about what may work best for them
This course is relevant for all who work in schools with children ages 5-21 in both General and Special Education settings including (but not limited to) classroom and resource room teachers, related service providers (Speech/Language therapist, OT, PT), Special area teachers (e.g. Gym, Art, Music, Health) and all members of PPS (School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors, School Social Workers) and School Administrators.

ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Randi B. Miller
