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Artificial Intelligence and Education

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

Course Description:  What is Artificial Intelligence?  Will it replace me?  Will it take over the world?

Since the Spring of 2023, the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI)  has been in the news everywhere. These are some of the most common questions we all have about AI.  In this course we will introduce what artificial intelligence is, dispel myths and misconceptions about AI, and discuss how it can be used in education to support student growth and augment and enhance our work.

This is a self-paced 3-credit course that allows participants to access the course whenever and wherever is convenient for them.  The course consists of three main components:

1. Asynchronous Learning:  Watch or listen to a video that contains the course’s content.  Main topics include:

  • Basics of Artificial Intelligence and Chat GPT.
  • Benefits of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Myths and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Pop Culture.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Education.

2. Assignments:  Participants are responsible for completing and submitting 10 written assignments that connect the course content, their professional experiences, and personal values. 

3. Required Reading: Various professional journal articles and videos to watch and comment on are embedded in the course.

This engaging course is appropriate for general and special education teachers, school psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists/ teachers, physical therapists, social workers, guidance counselors and any other professionals who interact with children regularly. This course will fulfill CTLE requirements.

Credits: (3 credits/ 45 hours) in-service credit only

Instructor:  Dr. Christopher Korolczuk



(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Chris Korolczuk
