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Beyond Poverty – Changing Society’s Attitude towards Our Children in Need

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.


Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –

3 Credits (45 Hours) In-Service Credit Only

Course Description: On a daily basis, teachers must deal with issues surrounding poverty and pedagogy. Many of our students confront a wide array of issues and arrive at school unprepared for the day ahead. A wealth of misconceptions arises as well, some of which tend to stifle our learners and disallow for success. In this course, teachers will learn how to recognize the root of these misconceptions, produce experiential and critical thinking activities for their learners, as well as develop lessons on equity and justice, all of which promote changes in attitude and empathy for all learners. A must for all K-12 educators in all disciplines!!!!


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Gayle Meinkes-Lumia
