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Creating a Journaling Routine for All Students and Teachers

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

Course Description: Journaling has always been a way to express your thoughts and get your ideas out.  It has also been a way to milestone important events, record everyday happenings, or just let out your innermost feelings.  As educators, we have the opportunity to use journaling to our benefit on a daily basis.  In this course, educators will discuss the importance of journaling and the benefits of journaling in all subject areas.  We will discuss how to begin a daily journaling routine for both students and teachers.  This routine can work for all students and educators and can be used as an emotional tool.  Journaling can be used to treat anxiety, depression, and help affect us in many positive ways.  Educators will discuss a variety of strategies from the fact “that there’s no right way to journal”, to “how to keep on journaling.”  Teachers will discuss the benefits of handwritten journaling vs. digital journaling.   Strategies such free writing, timed writing and the 1-minute journal strategy will be explored. Participants will receive a series of journal prompts, ideas and samples to be used for any subject areas and to model in their classrooms.  This course is a must for all educators of all subjects and grade levels K-12.


Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 credits – In service Course (45 Hours)


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Kim Kittredge
