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Knowledge Matters

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

(45 hours/3 credits)  In service course only

Instructor:  Jessica Uebel

Course Description: “Reading Comprehension Revisited” is a podcast by Natalie Wexler. This podcast dives into the history of how teachers taught reading comprehension. It shares the research that shows how students comprehend. Similar to “Sold a Story”, this is an expose that brings awareness to the importance of how children learn to read-how they comprehend what they are reading. In this course teachers of all grades (K-12) will learn the history of how and why schools chose the programs and methods they did to teach reading comprehension. We will explore the current practice that is on trend-The Knowledge Matters Campaign. Teachers will explore and engage in discovering the role of knowledge-building in the classroom. Teachers will share and reflect on their own methodologies, research programs,and design lessons and activities.


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Jessica Uebel
