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Strategies to Make Learning Stick

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

*New Course

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 Credits In Service Course (45 Hours)

Dates: Summer 2025 – August 25th-29th

Course Description:

This course will deal with the tried-and-true form of teaching learning.  As educators we should teach our students to work smarter, not harder! This course will provide teachers with simple strategies that will make students’ time in your classroom worth it!  Students will learn and study more effectively and make learning stick.  Educators will discuss in this course research on how the brain works and thus retains information.  Teachers will discuss the day-to-day reality of teaching and learning strategies to a dynamic classroom of students of all levels. Educators will discuss the basics of how the brain takes in and stores information, as well as best practices for retrieval of daily information.  Easy-to-implement strategies will be shared to help guide any educator through lessons that can improve outcomes for all students. This course is a must for all educators grades K-12.


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Kim Kittredge
