Kim Kittredge

Hello! My name is Kim Kittredge and I’m so glad you chose to take some of my courses. I am currently an English teacher in the Brentwood School District. I have been working in Brentwood for almost 27 years.  I have also been a professor for The Long Island Institute of Professional Studies (LIIPS) for almost 22 years.  I have a Bachelor’s Degree in English with a concentration in Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Public Relations and Secondary Education.  I taught 8th grade English for about 8 years and have been teaching 7th grade ever since.  I love teaching middle school so much that I decided I would never leave!   I also teach AIS; Academic Intervention Services; for the students who need that extra push. I love teaching all my professional development courses for LIIPS.  It really gives me a great sense of satisfaction working with my fellow teachers.   I am always researching to further my courses and course listings, and to my help my LIIPS students succeed with their educational goals.  On a personal level, I am a wife and mother.  My husband is also a middle school educator.  I am the mother of 13-year old twins: a girl and a boy, and wow, do they keep me busy!  I am a Disney fanatic and an avid beachgoer.  In the summers I keep busy with teaching my LIIPS courses, spending time with my wonderful family, going to the beach and camping.  I also love to garden, bake, and am a bit of an amateur photographer.  Thank you for joining the LIIPS family!

Check out my course offerings:

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class, discussion, girlsHow to Help your Students Be Independent Learners
Course Description: With all the virtual learning going on, how do we as educators help students learn independently?  This course will focus on how to facilitate lessons instead of teaching them as we have always done in the past.  With the world changing, we must too.  Students must independently create their own learning experiences, and become more active learners. It is our responsibility to teach them the skills to guide them through it.  Educators will learn how to encourage students to think creatively and take an independent and active role in their own learning.   Teachers will discuss how to first identify what it is to be an active learner, and then how to go beyond that.  Teachers will learn how to work with students to stretch their minds to the limits, help students manage time constraints, take effective notes and annotate, and be creative and organize their roles as learners on a daily basis.  This is a must for all educators of all disciplines K-12.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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hands, raised, raised handsHow to Reconnect the Disconnected Learner
Course Description: Do your students feel or become disconnected?  Do they often lose the purpose of your lessons due to distractions?  Have they zoned out?  With all the time and effort you put into your lessons, it often seems that there are so many days we look out at our students’ faces only to see that they are somewhere else.  The connection has been lost.  This course offers ideas on how to reconnect your disconnected students and bring them back again. Educators will learn a variety of exciting strategies that will “connect” your students to your classroom lessons.  These strategies will not only activate engagement, but improve student learning all together.  This course is for educators levels K-12 of all subjects.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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teachers, meeting, booksBuilding Communication and Teamwork in Schools
Course Description: This course is designed to equip all educators with the knowledge and skills to foster an emotionally engaging classroom. Skills such as leadership, communication and listening, positive thinking, student support, and team building all will be examined. Educators will share how to communicate not only with the students in their classrooms, but with administrators and colleagues. Communication is a complete building-wide plan. Discussions on how to build communication, leadership and positivity, in every classroom no matter the subject area or grade you teach will be shared. Participants will engage in overall positive communication strategies and teamwork skills. This course is a must for educators K-12.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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classroom, school, educationEducation: Teaching, Adapting, Surviving and Thriving
Course Description: This course is designed to equip all educators with the knowledge and skills of the ever-changing world of education and teaching. Skills such as classroom and time management, observations and walk-throughs, record keeping, professional development, clubs and volunteer time schedules, are just a few of the aspects that change from year to year. We as educators need to keep up with the changes, challenges and the new policies in our schools. Learning and keeping up with all these topics will teach us how to rise as educators and adapt ourselves as professionals. Participants will use the knowledge gained in this course to prove that they are yearly survivors of education and teaching. This course is a must for all educators levels K-12.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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teacher, property, plantThe Balanced Classroom
Spring 2024: March 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19 & 20 Mt Sinai Congregational Church   Course Description: This course is for those educators who want to balance it all; your teaching and the behavior your students.  We will discuss how to balance teaching such as our policies and penalties for misconduct.  Are we strict?  How do we deal with those students that don’t follow our rules?  Then, how do we balance our teaching?  All educators want to create a classroom that supports positive and comfortable education.  We will discuss strategies for helping our students feel productive and safe in our classrooms every day.  Educators will examine various practices for creating a balanced and positive climate for all students of any age or grade level. This course is for educators levels K-12 of all subjects.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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people, human, group-3245739.jpgConferencing Your Students to Success
Course Description: Conferencing with your students is a way to empower them to improve their skills by setting goals and then achieving them.  Conferencing is also a great way to really get to individually know each one of your students.  Educators will work on how plan conferencing times with your students in the classroom.  Teachers will explore strategies for effective discussion skills, how to work towards educational goals set by each student, and how to plan your students’ success.  Conferencing guidelines, techniques and questions will be shared.  This course is a must for all educators grades K-12.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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light, circle, pointsPromoting Lifelong Success in your Students
Course Description: This course will focus on how to promote lifelong success in your students by focusing on lasting skills. These skills will help them move forward in life and become better, more successful individuals. Educators will focus on the following skills: Empathy, Character, Self-Control, Integrity, and Embracing Diversity. Participants will explore each skill and learn how to empowers your students to achieve and become successful. Once you have helped your students master these skills, they will attain lasting success no matter what they do. This course is a must for all instructors of all levels K-12.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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poster, motivation, motivational posterPositive Classroom Connections
  This course will examine how educators discover and develop positive classroom connections with their students.  Participants will learn effective and strategic teaching methods to transform your classroom into an emotionally connected atmosphere of positivity and learning.  Having a connected classroom is key to uncovering and discovering how positivity builds a perfect foundation in any classroom.  Educators will study strategies for positivity classrooms as well as daily connection skills.  This course is a must for teachers of grades K-12 of all levels.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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read, education, booksLiteracy and Comprehension in Schools
Course Description: This course will examine how we as educators work on literacy, literacy programs, and literacy techniques with our students.  Educators will develop classroom literacy and comprehension programs to work with the population of students you have in your classrooms.  Participants will learn effective and strategic literacy methods such as fluency and phonics, and will transform your classroom within a matter of weeks.  A classroom where comprehension builds literacy perfection, is one that any educator strivers for. This course is a must for teachers of grades K-12 of all levels.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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homework, school, problemTeaching Study Skills to your Students
Course Description: This course is designed to equip educators with proper tools to help your students develop great study habits.  You will be able to arm your students with organizational skills, ideas that work, tools for them to memorize text and concepts, and lots more.  This course will explore how to help your classes with note-taking techniques and/or merely developing good study habits in general.  Your students will learn to utilize these study habits and will benefit from them daily.  Participants will share their own techniques as well as developing new ones.  This course is a must for educators K-12.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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