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ELLs Stuck at the Top

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

Overview: Teachers of other subjects sometimes wonder why certain students remain in ENL programs when they “speak English.” However, passing the NYSESLAT involves more than just spoken English proficiency. The test assesses listening, reading, and writing skills, demanding a nuanced understanding of English in various contexts, including cultural nuances. Many students find meeting these criteria challenging, and the pressure of standardized testing often limits their ability to showcase their language skills fully.

Beyond the NYSESLAT, ELL students often face reading and writing challenges stemming from their early education. They initially learned these skills in their native language or in systems different from those in the United States. This transition to a new language and educational structure creates gaps in their foundational literacy. Adapting to a new writing system, grammar, and vocabulary delays their English literacy development, even if their spoken English is proficient. These hurdles persist throughout their academic journey, affecting assessments like the NYSESLAT.

Objective: This course will address how the literacy gap and lack of foundations ELLs face from a young age make it difficult for ELLs to catch up to perform on grade level throughout the rest of their school career, and essentially, pass the NYSELAT. We will explore different strategies to try and meet their literacy needs and support them to reach proficiency on the state exam.


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Paige MacLeod
