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But I Can’t Speak Spanish!: How to Teach a Population When You Don’t Speak Their Language

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

3 credits/45 hours In service only

Janna Florio

Today, teachers are faced with the challenge of teaching students with diverse backgrounds, experiences, intelligence types, learning styles, and needs. Educators struggle to “reach” all students in their classrooms, particularly when cultural and language barriers exist. In recent years, a large part of our student population includes English Language Learners (ELLs), many coming from Spanish-speaking countries. Though Bilingual Education is becoming more and more prominent, teachers lacking proficiency in a student’s dominant language can feel lost in their own classrooms: struggling to communicate with and effectively teach their students. This course is designed to assist teachers of ELLs to better support their students across curricula and throughout all grade-levels. Although the course is designed mainly for teachers of Spanish-speaking students, the majority of the strategies and ideas discussed can benefit all ELLs regardless of their native language or cultural background.


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Janna Florio
