University of the Pacific Bernard College

Graduate Classes

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teacher, property, plant
PDLI9070 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Course Instructor:  Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – Course Description  From the very moment that we enter the classroom, we create a definitive image of ourselves. First impressions are everything and encapsulate who we are and what students will glean from the course. Our body language, behavior, and diction are indicative of our teaching styles and our expectations of our learners. Educators are actors, putting on five shows a day, 900 shows a year, all which produce transformative learning from students.  Delving deeply into the students’ psyche and learning styles is tantamount for both educators and students today and provides everyone with the opportunity to enhance their learning and make personal connections between their own experiences and those of the curriculum. Successfully incorporating a wealth of social emotional resources as well as delving into the science of learning is crucial and invaluable. In the end, all aspects of learning will be covered. In this course, participants will learn everything there is to know about creating a successful environment that motivates students.  They will explore various resources such as articles, interviews, readings, differentiated learning sites, lesson plans, and links to literary sites.  They will research a variety of sources and decide which ones are engaging and fit into their curriculum.  In addition, teachers will gain student centered ideas, lessons that differentiate, challenging ways to motivate students, current research on pedagogy, various interdisciplinary websites and Socratic seminars and philosophical rounds that take literacy and learning to a new level!  Applicable all Educators and staff K-12.
Min: 1
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mental health, brain, mind
PDLI9030 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor:  Randi Miller Course Description: The mental health of students in schools is an often overlooked, yet extremely relevant issue for today’s educator. Educators are often the first to notice mental health problems and are in a unique position to make a difference when it comes to promoting and addressing student mental health concerns in and out of the classroom. Mental disorders: affect a student’s emotional well-being, affect a student’s ability to learn and may be a factor in why some students refuse to attend school. This course will cover: common mental health disorders (10 in total), the signs and symptoms of each disorder, the behavioral manifestation of the disorders in school, and the role of educators (regardless of their position) to identify warning signs, communicate with parents and support students in/out of the classroom. This course is relevant to all who work in schools with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for all school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21), special area teachers (gym, art, music, technology) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists or speech pathologists and occupational or physical therapists.
Min: 1
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girl, kid, child
PDLI9000 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor:  Randi Miller Graduate Level Credits Course Description: Each year, approximately 2–5% of children refuse to come to school. School refusal can be observed in kindergarten students who demonstrate relatively mild separation anxiety to more severe cases where a student misses’ weeks or months of school. As a result of the social and educational consequences associated with missing school, the issue needs to examine and addressed promptly. This course will look at the factors associated with and contributing to the occurrence of school refusal. Participants will examine the short- and long-term effects of absenteeism, the signs and symptoms commonly associated with school refusal and research solutions to the problem. This course is relevant to all who work in schools and with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for school administrators,  regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21),special area teachers (gym, art, music) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists and pathologists and occupational and physical therapists.
Min: 1
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team, group, people
PDLI9010 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor: Randi Miller Course Description: Traumatic experiences come in many forms ranging from one-time events (like the current pandemic) to experiences that are prolonged and recurring. To date, approximately 50% of the nation’s children and adolescents have experienced at least one or more types of serious childhood trauma.  The effects of these traumatic experiences impact how students focus, attend, learn, form relationships and behave in the classroom. Trauma informed interventions focus on building relationships, routines, choice-making and self-regulation skills. This course has been developed to provide all educators with content knowledge on the types and biology of trauma, ACES, and best practices in trauma-informed behavior and classroom management strategies. The course will provide participants with the knowledge and tools they need to create a safe, supportive learning environment for all students. A timely course given the current public health crisis and school shut down. A good opportunity to be prepared to meet the needs of staff and students when school re-opens.  Applicable all Educators and Staff K – 12.
Min: 1
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brain, gears, concept
PDLI9020 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor:  Randi Miller Course Description: Approximately 10 percent of the school population (or 9-13 million children) struggle with and demonstrate behaviors associated with mental health problems, ASD, developmental and learning disabilities. Additionally, on the rise, are students who struggle day to day from the effects of trauma or bullying. In the classroom, children with behavioral challenges and acting out behavior, are disruptive in the classroom, fall behind academically or never master the skills they need to make adequate progress. This course has been developed to provide educators in and out of the classroom with content knowledge on principles of behavior, the functions of behavior and will provide the participants with a set of skills they can use to identify what a student is getting from his/her behavior and how to best manage and prevent ongoing incidents in/out of the classroom. Applicable all Educators and staff K-12.
Min: 1
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teacher, property, plant
Course #PDLI9060 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor: Kim Kittredge Course Description: This course will explore how our daily instruction as an educator must constantly be changed and molded to fit our students’ needs.  Since many of our students learn differently, it is our job as effective teachers to guide them through the learning process.  Participants will discuss what a differentiated classroom really is, and how to differentiate for any grade level and/or subject.  Educators will collaborate and work on a multitude of learning techniques and assessments for all learning styles.  Applicable all Educators and staff K-12.
Min: 1
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teacher, learning, school-4784917.jpg

PDLI 9130 


Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –

Course Description:

Providing students with high quality discussions that promote learning and engagement is tantamount to teaching. High quality discussions include content-specific ideas that spark students to express different points of view, reflect on their own opinionsvarying perspectives, and engage in democratic dialogues. Education that develops deep reasoning, critical thinking, and conceptual and practical tools for inculcating knowledge is tantamount for students today. Teaching in this modality empowers our learners and enables them to recognize that proactive engagement is the key to their success. 

In this course, participants will be instructed on the pedagogical principles that promote student learning and democratic engagement. They will learn the ways in which students themselves facilitate learning and streamline their own thinking. Teachers will be instructed on ways in which to act as mediators and not sages, including the ins and outs of effective questioning. Rich discussion tactics will be integrated as fishbowl techniques, Socratic Seminars, Jigsaws, formative assessments, graphic organizers, gallery walks – all of which engage the learner and provide for optimum efficacy.

Goals and Objectives: Upon completion of the course, participants will be better prepared to:

• Understand the impact of effective classroom discussions
• Comprehend the respective ways in which teachers can transform their classrooms via classroom dialogues
• Generate meaningful strategies that challenge students 
• Develop deep learning outcomes for their classrooms
• Integrate a myriad of learning activities that challenge their learners
• Engage their learners with 21st century tools of instruction 
Min: 1
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boys, children, reading
Course #PDLI9040 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor:  Rose Marino Foster Course Description: “Guided reading is a teaching approach used with all readers, struggling or independent, that has three fundamental purposes: to meet the varying instructional needs of all the students in the classroom, enabling them to greatly expand their reading powers; to teach students to read increasingly difficult texts with understanding and fluency; to construct meaning while using problem solving strategies to figure out unfamiliar words that deal with complex sentence structures, and understand concepts or ideas not previously encountered. Guided reading is the place where every child, every day, has the opportunity to learn by reading a book that is just right.” – Fountas & Pinnell. This course will provide a detailed explanation of the philosophy of guided reading. Various components of guided reading will be explored including: management, teacher and student roles, assessment, flexible grouping, strategy and skill lessons, etc. Participants in the course will research the history of small group instruction and compare/contrast guided reading with more traditional instructional approaches. In addition, participants will learn the benefits of guided reading and be given the resources and information to implement guided reading within his/her own classroom.  Applicable all Educators and staff K-12.
Min: 1
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children studying, book, reading-670663.jpg

PDLI 9140

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –


Course Description:

Education that incorporates a multiethnic perspective recognizes children’s own frames of reference, ones that utilize ideas formed through the traditions of the students families and communities. It is a way of teaching that addresses issues of equity and commitment to social action. Teaching in a multiculturalism fashiopromotes academic excellence and social justice for all children. Helping children become critical thinkers and make connections in their learning is the essence of multicultural instruction, one that promotes democracy and recognizes that proactive engagement in students of all ages is the key to their success. 

In this course, participants will be instructed on the ways in which to infuse multiethnic strategies into students’ repertoires. Teachers will be able to create a successful classroom environment where culture is at the forefront, developing and maximizing responsibility, diversity, and cognitive growth in students throughout this course. They will explore various resources such as articles, interviews, readings, differentiated learning sites, lesson plans, and links to literary sites.  Additionally, they will research a variety of sources and decide which ones are engaging and fit into their curriculum.  Teachers will gain student centered ideas, lessons that differentiate, challenging ways to motivate students, current research on pedagogy, various interdisciplinary websites and Socratic seminars and philosophical rounds that take literacy and learning to a new level!

Goals and Objectives: Upon completion of the course, participants will be better prepared to:

• Understand the impact of culture in students’ learning
• Comprehend the respective ways in which teachers can transform their classrooms
• Design multicultural learning activities that challenge students 
• Create assessments and lessons for their classrooms
• Utilize character education within their classrooms
• Create instructional goals with the multicultural learner in mind
Min: 1
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cranium, head, lightning-3244118.jpg
Course # PDLI9100 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor: Kim Kittredge Course Description: This course will discover the benefits of teaching proper mindsets to students and educators.  We will also work on teacher mindsets and how balanced teaching will help with the balanced classroom.  Educators will discover how de-stressing helps in the success of learning.  Teachers will discuss fixed vs. growth mindsets, assessments and communication strategies for all.
Min: 1
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kid, study, book-3326960.jpg
Course #PDLI9150 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor: Kim Kittredge Course Description: This course is designed to provide educators with practical strategies and techniques to teach reading and writing to their students. As educators we know we are all teachers of reading and writing. In this course teachers will explore research-based principles, and engage writing and reading theory to help their students. Participants will learn how to implement these skills into your curriculum no matter what subject you teach. Educators will be empowered through a combination of theoretical frameworks, case studies, and hands-on reading and writing activities. This course aims to empower teachers to thrive both personally and professionally.
Min: 1
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english, english language, language
Course #PDLI9080 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor: Kim Kittredge Course Description: This course will explore how to support our English Language Learners and our English as Second Language Learners in our mainstream classrooms.  We will how to provide daily instruction as an educator to fit the needs of the students in these language categories.  Since many of these students have either come from different countries or have just started to learn the language, it is necessary as teachers to provide them with a strong language background to guide them through their learning process.  Participants will discuss how to get started in your mainstream classroom providing the support needed for the ELL and ESL students, how to differentiate the work for them. Educators will collaborate and work on a multitude of language learning techniques and assessments for all learning styles.  Applicable all educators and staff K-12.
Min: 1
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teachers, meeting, books
Course #PDLI9120 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor: Kim Kittredge Course Description:
Course Description:  This course will explore how as educators the power of building effective relationships is the most valuable tool we can have.  It is our job as teachers and administrators to build positive and productive relationships with parents, students, other educators and guidance counselors. Participants will discuss how to create a positive environment, and how to build and continue to build positive relationships.  Educators will collaborate and work on a multitude of techniques for building relationships and keeping them as the year progresses.  
Min: 1
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