Gayle Meinkes-Lumia

Gayle Meinkes-Lumia has been teaching English Language Arts at the Brentwood School District for twenty-six years.  She attended the University of Buffalo for her undergraduate degree, where she specialized in English Language Arts.  She holds a Masters’ degree in English Literature and Secondary Education at Hofstra University, where she also instructs secondary education students.  Gayle is a master teacher who is heavily involved in student success and teacher education.  Gayle was the English Language Arts Staff Developer at Brentwood for two years, where she created innovative lessons and disseminated information to faculty and students.  She has taught classes at LIIPS and the Brentwood Teacher Center for twenty years, developed lectures for the Suffolk Reading Council, written articles for the “Social Studies Docket”, and has been awarded, “New York State Educator of Excellence” in 2000.  Last year, she additionally was awarded, “Teacher of the Year” in Brentwood.  She has two children, a high school rising senior, taking all AP level courses and a Northeastern University Honors student aspiring to be a surgeon. In her spare time, Gayle develops new courses for LIIPS, is an avid reader, and devotes the majority of her time to her children.


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teaching, child, worldAn unequal pandemic- analyzing the consequences of the virus on society

(3 credits/45 hours) – In-service credits 

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia- 

Course Description: This course will analyze the disparities prevalent in society since the onset of the pandemic and the ways in which educators can assist students via effective teaching strategies. Inequalities include surges in vehicle crashes, learning, racial, and economic divides. Participants will gauge how these disparities hinder students’ growth and learn how to inculcate a wealth of strategies in their repertoire of learning in order to counteract this including narrative writing, non-fiction and fiction analysis, scientific data, historical perspectives. *A must for K-12 educators**

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girl, kid, childBeyond Poverty – Changing Society’s Attitude towards Our Children in Need
  Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – 3 Credits (45 Hours) In-Service Credit Only Course Description: On a daily basis, teachers must deal with issues surrounding poverty and pedagogy. Many of our students confront a wide array of issues and arrive at school unprepared for the day ahead. A wealth of misconceptions arises as well, some of which tend to stifle our learners and disallow for success. In this course, teachers will learn how to recognize the root of these misconceptions, produce experiential and critical thinking activities for their learners, as well as develop lessons on equity and justice, all of which promote changes in attitude and empathy for all learners. A must for all K-12 educators in all disciplines!!!!
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pen, school, notes-162124.jpgFraming the Framework for 21st Century Learning
  Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – 3 Credits (45 hours) In-Service Credit Only Course Description: In a world of constant change, a unified vision of learning is essential, in order to ensure that our students are successful and prepared for the world ahead. Defining and Illustrating the depth of 21st century learning is the crux of this course which deeply delves into 21st century student outcomes and successes. Participants will learn to build on this critical foundation of learning via standards, assessments, curriculum, and instruction, and learn to engage their students more critically and profoundly. A wealth of literacies will be focused on including informational, global, civic, and problem solving, all of which guides our learners and fully prepares them for their future.  *A must for all K-12 educators in all disciplines!!!
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book, read, lessonMaximizing the Multiculturalism in Your Classroom
  3 Credits – In-service course (45 Hours) Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – Course Description: Engaging our students in all facets of culture is essential to their academic/social growth and mindset. Exploring the traditions of various religions, races, languages, and fully engaging students in inquiry-based curriculum enhances their learning experience. Participants in this course will delve into the passions of diverse learning, exploring the various ways in which students form bonds with other students, accept and validate differences in society, and have a deep tolerance for the world around them. They will utilize various strategies that explore backgrounds, communities, and environments, all of which provide for and maximize the avenues for learning. A wealth of articles, lessons, and assessments will be included. **A must for K-12 educators in all disciplines!!!
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hands, raised, raised handsBattling Boredom and Leveraging Skills to Engage Our Learners
  3 Credits – In-Service Course (45 Hours) Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – Course Description: Keeping students engaged and invigorated in their learning is the task of all educators far and wide. Offering new and innovative material, deepening students’ skills, and involving them in the learning process are the optimum tools for success. In this course, participants will immerse themselves in the learning process- researching their audience, embracing their students’ worlds, altering their mindsets. They will receive a plethora of information on creating unique lessons, ones that traverse learners’ lives and transcend their mindsets. Boredom shall never occur again at the culmination of the course! **A must for K-12 educators in all disciplines
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mental health, brain, mindEmotional Safety – Creating the Optimum Learning Environment for Students
  Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – (3 Credits/45 Hours) – In-Service Credit Course Description: In order for true learning to occur, safety must be at the forefront. Ensuring an environment that is emotionally manageable for our learners requires a deep investigation of the ways in which students operate on many levels. This course will provide the opportunities for participants to instruct their students on the ways in which to understand and manage their emotions in order to be successful in every class. Participants will learn the seven strategies in which to manage emotions for their learners, including: identifying and reducing triggers, tuning into physical symptoms, relay your own personal story, engage in positive self-talk, make appropriate choices, look for positive emotions, seek out help whenever possible. In the end, our learners will be able to soar to new heights. **A must for K-12 educators in all disciplines!!
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brain, gears, conceptFiring the Neurons that Wire our Learners- The Power of Myelination in Student Achievement
  Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – (3 Credits/45 Hours) – In-Service Credit Course Description: It is much more difficult for our brains to unlearn something than to learn something new. Having the capacity to train our brains to make deep connections to learning is the purpose of this course. Participants will understand the factors that shape myelination in children and comprehend how it provides the foundation for brain connectivity and support of emergent cognitive and behavioral functioning. Studying the reasoning behind this neurodevelopment will enable teachers to create comprehensive lessons that support and engage learners from all walks of life. *A must for all K-12 educators and disciplines!!
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kindness, accepting, attunedMaking Sense of Learners’ Experiences –Building Upon Past Practices in Pedagogy
  Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – (3 Credits/45 Hours) – In-Service Credit Course Description: Individuals who do the most talking, thinking, reflecting, or moving do the most learning. When learners feel good about what, how, and with whom they learn, they’re more likely to want to do it again. Building upon childhood experiences and engaging our students in relevant, meaningful instruction in all disciplines is crucial. Participants in the course will understand the tools for success that their students need in order to make sense of their learning. They will learn to organize their content, pre-teach, structure their lessons perfectly, develop active participants rather than passive recipients of learning. Classrooms will be completely restructured to meet the needs of their aspiring learners! **A must for K-12 educators!!!
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light, circle, pointsStaples of Successful Engagement- Creating the Wow in Instruction
  Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – (3 Credits/45 Hours) – In-Service Credit Course Description: Engaging students in successful learning is an art. Keeping them directed and focused is contingent on many factors – all of which will be emphasized and articulated in this course. A myriad of content driven essential skills will be covered – including activities as predicting outcomes, empathy cards, affinity diagrams, common likes, as well as a plethora of creative and compelling take homes, all of which the developing individual needs in order to flourish. Students in all disciplines can benefit from the guided focus and essential content within the confines of the class.  **A must for K-12 educators in all disciplines!!!
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tiktok, social, media-3408791.jpgAvoid Death by Lecture – Don’t Shy Away from Learning – The Essential Skills of Phenomenal Presentations
  Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – (3 Credits/ 45 Hours) Course Description: The skills of presentations serve a multitude of purposes within the confines of our classrooms. The art and science of teaching requires a stress-free environment, one in which individuals are calm and comfortable within themselves and can articulate with ease. This course will enable participants to create this environment of presenting with their students. All content areas will be covered in terms of embracing the mindset of learning and the discipline. Strategies include movement trumping sitting, images trumping words, writing trumping reading, remembering the relevance of things. All techniques will be instructed upon and an atmosphere of phenomenal, active approaches will be tackled. **A must for all K-12 Educators!!!
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