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class, discussion, girlsThe Dialectic of Freedom

  Instructor – Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – 3 credits (45 hours) – In-service course Course Description – Students frequently become disenchanted when a lack of communication is prevalent in their lives. Speaking a dialectic of freedom means empowering students via engagement and dialogue. Engaging in a plethora of discussion, analysis, and critical thinking elevates students perfectly. This course will focus on the tools that learners require to effectively communicate including Socratic seminars, research on written and spoken communication, questioning techniques, body language, dialogue skills. A wealth of ideas for one’s classroom – entrancing all! A must for K-12 Educators!!!!!!

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children playing, playground, childrenThe Dynamics of Conflict
In a world where conflict is usually equated with violence, and therefore, fear is a common reaction, it is essential to underscore the opportunities presented by conflict. When violence emerges as a predominant aspect of conflict, these opportunities are lost. Conflicts emerge constantly from our perceptions of the commonplace events of everyday life, and demonstrate what each individual considers to be important and relevant to them. Thus, the elements for the peaceful settlement of a conflict are to be found in the conflict itself.

In this course, teachers will learn how to more effectively express and mange the value differences, tensions, and misunderstandings associated with conflict. At the same time, they will be able to teach their students how to acknowledge one another, and build understanding based on the real needs of those involved in the dispute. Teachers will be guided on how to effectively establish a conflict resolution and peer- mediation program in their classroom as well as in their schools. All of the necessary skill training, practice, and resources will be provided. Course Objectives 1. To help students define conflict and its connotations; identifies common societal messages about conflict; reviews the major kinds of conflicts we encounter. Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment 2. To explore three basic approached to conflict, the effectiveness of each, and how they interact with each other. Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment 3. To build skills to understand and manage anger and other strong emotions more effectively, exploring the important role emotions play in conflict. Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment 4. To describe the communication process and the factors that influences it, and focus on the role of cultural differences in the communication process. Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment 5. To help students put together effective listening and speaking skills for better interpersonal understanding; providing practice in a collaborative problem solving process. Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-serice credit only

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mental health, brain, mindThe Effect That Stress has on Student Learning
This course will describe the sources and con-sequences of stress. Stress is a common problem that will affect almost all of your students at some point in their lives. This course will help you to learn when to identify when a person is under stress, what causes stress, and different ways of coping with stress. Instructional strategies will be taught that can help students self-regulate such as reducing extraneous noise, managing transitions, and understanding mindsets, to name a few

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-service credit only

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kids, garden, flowers-4364121.jpgThe Effects of School Gardening Activities on Academics, Social/Emotional and Life Skill Development

3 Credits – In service Course (45 Hours) Instructor:  Denise J. Ribarich OTR/L This course is designed for professionals/educators/therapists working directly with elementary, middle/high schoolers and young adults.  In this online course you will learn the multiple benefits that can be achieved during the process of cultivating and beautifying a small garden space in and around your school or community. These include academic improvement as well as social, psychological, emotional, as well as improved verbal expression and essential  life skills. You will learn skills developed such as responsibility, self-confidence, decision making, teamwork, organization and working together towards an ultimate goal. Besides the educational improvement in math and science , many students have improved sensory processing capabilities which frees these students to more easily learn and integrate new skills that they were unable to do before. Working together with your students on designing a simple garden will provide enjoyment and satisfaction and will have long-lasting memories with development of meaningful vocational applications for the future.  This course is important for all educators  including School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors, Social Workers, Speech/Language teachers and Occupational and Physical Therapists.  The knowledge you will learn will have a direct impact on your students and will affect  all aspects of their lives as well as yours.

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teacher, property, plantThe Geography of Education: Teaching, Learning and Growing
Spring 2024: April : 22-26Course Description:This course will focus on the geography of education and how to teach your students; no matter who they are or where they come from.  Geography by definition is to study the physical features and activity of a society, and how this affects and is affected by those around it.  So, why not apply it to education! This course will examine the features of education and how we use it to teach our students better on a daily basis.  Teachers will discuss our learning activities and atmospheres.  We will discuss our populations in our schools, they areas in which we teach, and the resources we receive to benefit these populations.  Educators will work on techniques and strategies for the ultimate goal of success with the geography of learning and educating all students no matter the area they live or how they learn.  This course is a must for all educators levels K-12.
(3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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football, quarterback, sportThe Impact of Labeling and Sterotypes on Education
Preppy. Techie. Geek. Freak. Loser. Jock. These are just a few of the labels that students live with every day. And some labels are a lot nastier. Who hands out these labels? What role do labels play? Do they help or hurt? Do people sometimes like their labels, or do they always hate them? This course will examine the truth behind these labels and the impact that they have on student behavior and learning. Suitable all educators K-12.

COURSE OBJECTIVES AND LEARNING STANDARDS 1. To learn where labels come from Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment. Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment. 2. To understand the emotions that go along with labeling Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment. Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment. 3. To look at how to reduce the emotional effect of labeling Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment. Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment. 4. To create environments that foster feelings of appreciation and acceptance Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment. Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment. ON-LINE 3 Credits [45 hours] Inservice Credit Only

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read, education, booksThe Importance of Being Earnest

  Instructor – Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – 3 credits (45 hours) – In-service course Course Description – Being resolute in one’s actions and eager to embark on one’s endeavors is the educator’s goal for students today. Providing students with the resources necessary for this outcome is crucial. In this course, participants will utilize Wilde’s mantra in order to assist their students. They will review research on literacy, reading, goal setting, instructional resources, and best practices for scholastic determination. **A must for K-12 educators!!!

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mental health, brain, mindThe impoverished mind – reawakening students’ mindsets post Covid via Restorative Justice”

  Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – ( Emotionally drained after the virus, many students and teachers remain in an impoverished state, one in which anxiety and stress overwhelms and a dark cloud of depression pours in. Repair and restoration are necessary for all. Uncertainty exists as well for individuals who live in poverty, in particular during these times as stress related issues loom – access to technology, meals, unemployment in their surroundings. Mental health is essential for students and restorative justice is the key. Within this course, teachers will learn the ins and outs of implementing a restorative justice program within their classroom. They will learn to empower their students via community building circles and democratic dialogues where respect is at the forefront. Participants will learn about the three tiers of justice, develop skills to incorporate the tenets within the fabric of their classrooms, and facilitate open dialogue. A must for K-12 educators!!!!!!

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teacher, property, plantThe Instructional Playbook: Transforming Pedagogy into Practice

  Course Description: Creating a successful learning environment is interconnected to a myriad of ideas and a stirring vision. Having support and high- quality resources creates a landscape for learning that students desire and require. An instructional pedagogical playbook provides a tool for coaches and teachers alike, one that utilizes research-based strategies and matches learning goals. In the end, a deeper understanding of curriculum will emerge that increases student motivational levels and transforms learning in any classroom setting. Innovative lessons will be addressed, as well as powerful tools that help students pursue intellectual passions. A must for all K-12 educators!!!!! (3 credits/45 hours) – In-Service Credit

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teacher, learning, school-4784917.jpgThe Organized Teacher

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-service credit only Instructor: Tara McCarney Email: Course Description:  This course is designed to guide classroom teachers to becoming more organized in the classroom setting.  The focus will be on creating a classroom that is organized, safe, and welcoming while meeting your students’ needs. In this course, you will learn how to manage time-sensitive tasks, create a classroom schedule, and organize and prioritize classroom materials.  Suitable for all educators K-12.

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library, books, woman holding booksThe Philosophy behind Children’s Books – Empowering Instruction, Empowering Students

Participating in philosophical discussions and Socratic type of learning is essential for 21st century learners. Enhancing one’s students to be motivated and think critically of the world around them is tantamount to the Common Core standards of learning in all subject matters. The study of the philosophy behind picture books and their authors captivates students and infuses morality and integrity into their worlds. In this course, teachers will be exposed to a plethora of children’s books from all disciplines. They will learn to critically analyze, judge, delineate, and closely comprehend the genre in order to devise pertinent lessons for their students. Teachers will walk away with a plethora of interdisciplinary lessons that collectively forge bonds between their learners. A must for K-12 educators. Participants will be able to: • Select from a wide range of children’s books in order to delve into philosophical ideas and current ELA research • Draw inferences from renowned picture book authors in order to instruct their students on pertinent philosophical issues • Enhance their classrooms via current research on literature in the classroom via ELA techniques/Social Studies techniques, and Science/Math strategies • Participants will be able to implement philosophical trends in their classrooms via picture books • Participants will be able to create lessons that integrate all aspects of literacy via children’s books • Participants will design a medley of critical thinking lessons that target their audiences via Common Core instruction Participants will complete activities, lessons, and design assessments that they will bring back to their students. They will be able to understand the inner workings of picture books and how they transcend classrooms and motivate students. They will complete a cooperative group assignment, weaving all aspects of the course together fully. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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tiktok, social, media-3408791.jpgThe Power of Language


Course Description:

This course is designed to show teachers how to use their most powerful tool they have; their words! The use of a teacher’s words brings out the best in children/students.  Educators will learn how to use words effectively and efficiently to deal with just about every situation they can image; whether it be challenging or not.  Participants will learn effective and strategic help children develop proper speech, effective self-control, build their sense of community, and gain academic skills and knowledge.  All this will be done through skillful teacher language and modeling.  Teaching proper communication methods through powerful language techniques will transform your classroom and your students. This course is a must for teachers of grades K-12 of all levels.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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teachers, meeting, booksThe Power of Relationships in School
Course #PDLI9120 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor: Kim Kittredge Course Description: Course Description: This course will explore how as educators the power of building effective relationships is the most valuable tool we can have.  It is our job as teachers and administrators to build positive and productive relationships with parents, students, other educators and guidance counselors. Participants will discuss how to create a positive environment, and how to build and continue to build positive relationships.  Educators will collaborate and work on a multitude of techniques for building relationships and keeping them as the year progresses.  
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team, group, peopleThe Psychology Behind Teaching – Teaching Stories

It is a gift to recognize the intelligence, heart, and soul of a young person, and be able to teach to that with precision and split-second sensitivity. It is a further talent to be able to move about the room without condescension or evasion and with commitment to the growth and development of each student in your care. Honing in on the needs that we, as educators and students have, are all valid concerns that consume many of us on a daily basis. During the course of this class, be prepared to research and share your frank, funny, poignant, and disturbing scenes from your classroom that have helped you move ahead and insure success for your students. Be ready to enable and empower your classes with cooperative learning ideas, alternative assessment documents, literature-based instruction, hands-on math and science lessons, etc… All done while empowering you as the fearless leader! (A must for K-12 educators) ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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teacher, learning, school-4784917.jpgThe Role of Wait Time in Higher Cognitive Level Learning
**New Course**

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours February (Mid-Winter )Break – February 19-23rd, 2024 East Meadow Location – 8-5 pm Course Description: Wait time refers to the interval of time a teacher waits after asking a question and allowing a student to answer. In education, this time period is crucial in developing critical thinking skills amongst our learners. This course will analyze the exploration and inquiry that require students to put together ideas in new ways and take risks while learning. Participants will learn the ways in which to pose higher-order thinking skills to our learners and to develop the utmost in student participants. *A must for K-12 educators*

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kindness, accepting, attunedThe Science of Kindness in the Classroom
Scientific studies show how displaying kindness can help individuals become more successful in achieving their goals. As educators, we can help students discover these benefits and provide support in applying them each day. This course will explore the various benefits related to showing kindness, while also looking at strategies to reduce bullying situations in classrooms and schools. Participants will be provided with resources to integrate kindness activities into the academic curriculum within in all subject-areas. This course is suitable for all educators, K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-service credit only

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sketch, cute, childThe Science of Learning
Spring 2024 May: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, & 21 Mt Sinai Congregational Church 
Course Description:
Many educators try to understand the “science of learning” and how to put these principles into practice in their classroom daily.
The science of learning simply means how to read, write, and what has been scientifically proven to work well. This online course provides teachers with the tools to approach reading and writing instruction using best practices.  Educators will put several areas of focus together (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and writing skills), in order to help their students become successful readers and writers.  Teachers will explore research-based information and support for each component of reading and writing as backed by science. Educators will also be introduced to a variety of best practices, and will add many tools to their already-existing expertise of strategies to help students who struggle in any areas of reading and writing. This course is a must for educators of grades K-12. 
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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children studying, book, reading-670663.jpgTHE SCIENCE OF READING

(3 credits/45 hours) In service only Instructor: Jessica Uebel Course Description: What is the Science of Reading? This very on-trend hot topic in education has been filtering into schools across the country via the podcast, “Sold a Story” by Emily Hanford. It has teachers everywhere questioning methods, philosophies, programs, texts and publishers in all things related to learning how to read. This course will dive deep into the expose podcast and discover the history of why schools and teachers taught reading the way they did, and more importantly, where do we go from here? How do we take the science behind the way humans learn to read and apply it to the classroom appropriately? Teachers will share and reflect on their own methodologies, research programs, and design lessons and activities.This course is best suited for educators in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.

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time management, clock, time-1966388.jpgTime Management Strategies for All Educators

  Course Description:   As an educator, do you ever feel that you just don’t have enough time in the day to get all your things doneDo you feel like you just don’t want to take your paperwork and grading home? Well, this course is designed to help educators with proper time management strategies.  Tips from planning lessons, to contacting parents, to grading will be discussed. Together we will examine how to prioritize your tasks, use your time more effectively, and stop procrastinating! You’ll also learn how to teach your students the skills to do it as well.  Teachers will discuss the importance of time management skills and planning, and how this is a skill we will use for life.  This course is a must for all educators levels K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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ellis island, new york city, skylineTransforming the Classroom via Historical Documents

Imagine taking a trip through time with your students (Gettysburg, 1863 :Lincoln; Farewell address, 1796: Washington; Topeka, Kansas, 1954 (Brown v. Board of Education). These time periods in history enable the classroom to spring alive with action. Interactive learning opportunities through history will foster critical thinking skills in almost any discipline: English, Social Studies, Math, Science, Business. Through DBQ analysis, picture book studies, primary and secondary source writing, historical documents inculcate a wealth of learning opportunities for students. They will spark their voices and transform them into active participants in society, thus increasing their literary awareness. A must for all K-12 educators!!!! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-Service Credit only

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teacher, learning, school-4784917.jpgTurn and Talk: Communicate and Participate

February 2024

Dates: February 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Instructor: Kim Kittredge

No matter what subject you teach or what topic you may bring up in class, having your students communicate with each other is key to a successful educational environment.   The “Turn and Talk” is a way for students to share how they feel about a lesson, a quote, a story, a historical event, etc., by simply turning toward a neighbor and sharing ideas.  This course will focus on how to use Turn and Talk ideas as a way for students to center their learning and focus on higher order thinking.  Educators will practice the Turn and Talk so it can be modeled for their students as well as collaborate to create appropriate Turn and Talk topics.  This course is designed for educators of all subject areas grades K-12.

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class, discussion, girlsTweaking the Toolbox for our Learners – Establishing Successful Tools for the Trade

  Being able to challenge our students and enhance their learning is dire. Identifying the ways in which students critically think can greatly increase their comprehension. Modifying and addressing various scenarios of learning is tantamount to our students’ success. In this course, participants will be introduced to a wealth of ideas and current trends that maximize the learning for their classroom. They will learn to identify and create activities that enhance students’ comprehension and subsequently engage in strategies that fully indoctrinate the learner into any classroom atmosphere. A must for K-12 educators!!!!! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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hands, raised, raised handsUnderstanding Diversity and Multiculturalism in Our Schools

*New CourseWinter/Spring 2024 January 2024: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18.Mt Sinai Congregational Church 

Course Description:

This course is designed for educators to examine diversity, multiculturalism, and language obstacles that we find today in our schools.  As many students enter our education systems from foreign countries, many teachers have to be armed with the skills to help them work successfully to meet our education standards.  This course will help teachers learn effective ways to work with, and often learn from, these assimilating students of diverse cultural backgrounds.  Participants will focus on effective strategies to deal with our ever-changing school communities.  Educators will discuss language collaboration, how to plan your curriculum and focus your lessons, and how to successfully promote your lower functioning students due to language or cultural barriers.  Many techniques will be shared on how to educate your multicultural, diverse, classroom, and move these students to the next level.  This course is a must for all educators levels K-12.

(3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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desperate, sad, depressed-2293377.jpgUnderstanding Grief/Bereavement and how we can Support our Students and their Families

Instructor:  Lisa Bernstein


3 Credits/45 Hours

Course Description: More than 211,000 children and teenagers have lost their primary caregivers due to Covid-19.  These children are grieving and need support, especially in school.  This requires more understanding and awareness by educators on the topic of grief and bereavement in order to support our students and their families.  This course will teach educators how grief impacts our students, both academically and emotionally, and to help make school a safe and supportive place for these students.  Educators will learn strategies and resources to help our students.  This course is for all K-12 educators and related service providers.

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geometry, mathematics, volumeUnderstanding the Common Core Math Standards

The new standards of common core can seem confusing and overwhelming to some when figuring out how to include them in daily lessons. This course will explore how the new common core math standards can be integrated into regular lesson plans in a fun and creative way. We will explore the standards of mathematical practice as the CCSS are a new way of teaching. At the end of this course, teachers will feel comfortable implementing the new standards and creating lessons that move students down the pathway of success and college and career readiness. Recommended for all Educators K – 12. ON-LINE (3credits/45hours) In-service credit only

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colorful, five fingers, kidUnderstanding the LGBTQIA+ Community and how we can Support our Students and their Families
*New Course Summer 2021

More and more students today are identifying as LGBTQIA+. This requires more understanding and awareness by educators on gender identity and sexual orientation in order to make sure our students feel safe and accepted at school. It is important to understand the history of LGBTQIA+ and all of the terms that are included in order to help support our students. There are many challenges that LGBTQIA+ youth face today and it is important to provide them with resources and supports in order to make them feel safe and accepted. In addition to our students, parents need help as well. It is important to learn how to help both our students and parents navigate through these new experiences in order to support their children. This course is for all K-12 educators and related service providers.

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english, english language, languageUnderstanding the SIFE ELL and Supporting their Needs

Instructor: Nicole Martinez 3 credits/45 hours In service credit only Course Description: English Language Learners (ELLs) are a diverse group of students who are faced with learning a new language and content at grade level while simultaneously immersing themselves into a new cultural and school setting. This challenge becomes even harder when the ELL student has interrupted or inconsistent formal education, also known as, SIFE. SIFE ELLs come with a unique set of needs and aspirations. As teachers we must get to know our students, understand the issues they may face, and provide the support they need on their level. Participants of this course will gain an understanding of who SIFEs are, what makes their needs unique, support at school-wide and classroom levels, as well as actionable practices.  Suitable all educators and staff K-12.

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hands, raised, raised handsUniversal Design for Learning to Engage All Students
* New Course Spring 2022

(3 Credits/45 Hours) In Service Credits only Instructor: Allison Elfreth Email: Course Description: UDL, or universal design for learning, is a framework for teaching geared toward accommodating the needs and abilities of all learners. Using UDL, the learning goals are the same for all students while the teacher provides different ways for these goals to be achieved.  UDL is not the same as differentiated instruction, as UDL proactively aims to provide options that makes the lesson accessible to all learners, differentiated instruction is a reactive process in which adjustments are made based on the individual’s needs.  UDL is meant to remove the barriers to learning and encourage students to self-differentiate by choosing the best path for themselves.  We will explore

• What Universal Design for Learning is and how it can engage all students
• How UDL develops expert learners
• Using BrainPOP as a tool for UDL
• Learner variability and the Myth of Average
• The multiple means of representation, engagement, and action and expression
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artificial intelligence, brain, think-3382507.jpgUsing Al to your Advantage

While AI has been in the education technology space for a while, adoption has been slow. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual learning forced the industry to shift. Al helps streamline the student education process by offering access to suitable courses, bettering communication with tutors, and giving them more time to focus on other life aspects. Al enhances the personalization of student learning programs and courses, promotes tutoring by helping students improve their weak spots and sharpen their skills, ensures quick responses between teachers and students, and enhances universal 24/7 learning access. Educators can use AI for task automation, including administrative work, evaluating learning patterns, grading papers, responding to general queries, and more. Here are eight ways Al is used in education.

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sketch, cute, childUsing Phenomena-Based Learning in the Science Classroom
*New Course Spring 2022

(3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only Instructor: Allison Elfreth Email: Course Description:  Phenomena has been the new buzz word in education ever since Finland made Phenomena-Based Learning compulsory starting in 2016.  At its core, phenomena-based learning is intended to be a cross-disciplinary form of teaching that enables students to understand the connections between multiple disciplines and how those disciplinary knowledges can be used together to solve problems.  Practically, unless a school culture devotes itself to providing time in the day for students to participate in a multidisciplinary PhenoBL module as done in Finland, phenomena-based learning can and must be done in a given subject area.  Phenomena are simply observable events, and they need not be phenomenal.  The phenomena should have a real-world context which is how we can begin to engage all students.  Similar to project-based learning and problem-based learning, students are expected to work together to ask questions and find solutions to those questions.  We will explore the following

  • What is phenomena-based learning?
  • What are the qualities of good phenomena?
  • A library of phenomena examples
  • Using graphs and data in a real-world context as an anchoring phenomena
  • How phenomena are related to the Next-Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
  • How to use storylines to guide our lessons using anchoring phenomena
  • Phenomena based learning and the 5E Model
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geometry, mathematics, computer scienceUsing the Computer for Personal Productivity In & Out of the Classroom
The overall goal of this course is for learners to develop and implement a plan that will use the computer to increase their personal productivity. By the end of this course, learners will understand and be able to use technology inside and outside the classroom in a manner that increases productivity, understand how to use technology to improve communication with parents, colleagues, and students; create lesson plans; manage information; and develop teaching materials and assessments; make best use of the software, hardware, and internet resources that they have available at their school to improve personal productivity; incorporate the use of the computer for personal productivity into their professional teaching practice. Recommended for all educators K-12.

ON-LINE (3credits/45hours) In-service credit only  

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english, english language, languageWatch the Gap! But How to Close it?

Instructor: Paige MacLeod Email: Description: In the middle of a well-organized and prepared lesson, have you ever realized your students do not have the background knowledge to complete the task or understand the concept? You suddenly find yourself doing a quick Google Image or YouTube search, drawing diagrams on the SmartBoard or scrounging up some sort of visual to help provide that background knowledge, and essentially, fill that gap. We try to anticipate these setbacks and incorporate the background knowledge or skills, but it is impossible to predict them all until you are in the moment. As educators, we are well aware of the basic fact that there are challenges and “gaps” that our ELL students face. These challenges are present despite where the student is in their academic career, or when they entered the American educational system. There is an overwhelming number of inequities, so it is important that we try to pinpoint the most common, detrimental, and even the ones that may be less obvious. Objective: Course participants will have an understanding of the array of systematic and societal challenges of being an ELL and how these challenges contribute to widening the academic gap for them.

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teacher, learning, school-4784917.jpgWe’re All in the Together…Creating a K-12 Classroom Community One Change at a Time

Creating a solid classroom community where students are eager to take risks is essential for all grade levels. This course gives teachers concrete ways to incorporate small and meaningful changes into their daily routines. Energizers, brain breaks, group activities, greetings, and community shares, will all be

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education, back to school, school suppliesWelcome Back: Promoting Positivity and Production

Course Description: A new school year comes with new challenges on how to welcome our students back to our rooms and promote positivity.   As educators we need to find ways for our students to feel calm and less stressed, while also helping them to become productive individuals in our classrooms.  This course is designed to assist educators with “welcome back” procedures as well as promoting a well-balanced classroom.  Teachers will learn how to promote effective strategies for positivity and comfort while examining how to maintain a working classroom climate.   A variety of practical and effective techniques for relaxation, behavior and over-all positivity will be shared.    This is a must for all teachers of all disciplines K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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teacher, property, plantWhat Great Teachers Do

  This course discovers the specific things that great teachers do.  What makes them effective?  What are their strategies?  What are their skills, and how do they promote academic excellence?  In this course we will explore the beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and interactions that form the fabric in the best classrooms and schools.  This course is a must for all educators grades K-12. 3 Credits In service (45 hours)

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teacher, property, plantWhat Great Teachers Do

Course Description: This course discovers the specific things that great teachers do.  What makes them effective?  What are their strategies?  What are their skills, and how do they promote academic excellence?  In this course we will explore the beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and interactions that form the fabric in the best classrooms and schools.  This course is a must for all educators grades K-12. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only Instructor: Kim Kittredge  

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speech icon, voice, talkingWhat Roles Can the Speech and Language Pathologist Play in Literacy Acquisition
Purpose of the class: To understand the roles the school based SLP has in children’s literacy

The student will understand and describe the connection between spoken language and the written word. The student will understand and describe what SLPs are trained in when identifying, assessing and in managing children with SLP difficulties. The student will be able to define the following commonly used SLP terms: articulation, phonology, dyspraxia, language, phonology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse, intonation and stress and prosody. The student will identify and describe the connection between oral language and reading. The student will be able to define phonological awareness and describe the connection between phonological awareness and early reading. The student will be able to describe the role the SLP has in helping the reading teacher. (7 roles) ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-service credit only

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light, circle, pointsWhen Students are in Crisis
Schools experience a wide variety of crises that have the potential to harm the mental and physical health, learning environment, and safety of students and educators. A school crisis is any traumatic event that seriously disrupts coping and problem-solving abilities of students and school staff. It is typically sudden, unexpected, dramatic and forceful and may even threaten survival. A crisis can cause a drastic and tragic change to the environment. This change is generally overwhelming and uncontrollable as well as unwanted and frightening. It may create a sense of helplessness, hopelessness, and vulnerability combined with a loss of safety.

This course will provide resources, tools, recommendations, and evidence-based practices for incorporating best practices in school mental health into school crisis plans. Different types of crisis will be discussed and strategies will be developed for teachers of all grade levels and subject areas. ON-LINE (3 Credits – 45 hours) In-Service Credit only

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students, classroom, to learn-377789.jpgWhen You Thought I Wasn’t Looking – SEL Techniques for K-12 Teachers
**New Course**

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours July 22-26th, 2024 East Meadow Location – 8-5pm Course Description: Teaching students responsibility and accountability extends way beyond the home. Providing life lessons and inspirational, profound imprints on kids guides them for the rest of their lives. This course will tackle the ways in which teachers can provide a plethora of Social Emotional Instructions for their students. Topics as mindfulness, emotion management, positive affirmations, read aloud, collaborative discussions, empathy, and nurturing the whole learner will be discussed. Poetry and learning in all disciplines will be covered. *A must for K-12 educators*

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girl, sitting, jetty-1822702.jpgWhy Are American Teens so Sad- A Teacher’s Perspective?

(3 credits/45 hours)- In service credits 

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – 

Course Description: The rising rates of depression among young people are increasing. Mental-health crises are ubiquitous amongst teenagers, particularly post-pandemic as suicide contemplation increased and persistent feelings of hopelessness are on the rise. This course will investigate the reasons behind teen angst and the ways in which their sadness impacts the classroom. Participants will develop strategies that conquer and combat these issues and instruct their students to persevere as they utilize a myriad of coping mechanisms available in the course. Lessons that combat depression utilizing texts and articles will be centered on. *A must for K-12 educators!!* 

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