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girl, sitting, jetty-1822702.jpgWhy Are American Teens so Sad- A Teacher’s Perspective?

(3 credits/45 hours)- In service credits 

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – 

Course Description: The rising rates of depression among young people are increasing. Mental-health crises are ubiquitous amongst teenagers, particularly post-pandemic as suicide contemplation increased and persistent feelings of hopelessness are on the rise. This course will investigate the reasons behind teen angst and the ways in which their sadness impacts the classroom. Participants will develop strategies that conquer and combat these issues and instruct their students to persevere as they utilize a myriad of coping mechanisms available in the course. Lessons that combat depression utilizing texts and articles will be centered on. *A must for K-12 educators!!* 

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notebook, pen, tableWriting the Perfect Lesson Plan

Course Description:

This course is designed to simplify the process of writing a terrific lesson plan.  Educators will work together to create and execute the perfect lesson plan for your students.  Teachers will share ideas and lessons they have previously used and discuss what makes an effective lesson. From the Do Now, to the Procedures, to the use of the standards and expectations, teachers will be armed with the tools to move forward with ease.  Lesson plan writing does not have to be difficult; it could be perfect.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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cranium, head, lightning-3244118.jpgZen for Gen Z

(3 credits/45 hours) In service credit only

Instructor:  Jessica Armbruster

Course Despecription:   Incorporating social-emotional learning strategies into your classroom will create a more mindful and emotionally safe environment for your K-12 students. Calming practices such as guided meditations, breathing techniques, yoga for the classroom, and incorporating sensory input will be explored.

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