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capital, usa, governmentAcing Teaching The Creation of Government: Teaching the Constitution and the Bill of Rights


Many students are not fans of primary source documents, no matter how captivating they can be. As educators, is it necessary to teach these materials in preparation for standardized tests, but we can also make them come to life. Teachers in this course will explore various lesson and project ideas that focus on illustrating the history behind how our government was created.
Applicable to teachers at the secondary level.

ON-LINE  (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
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pen, school, notesAcing the Enduring Issues Essay: Preparing for the NYS Regents Exams


A potentially challenging segment of the NYS Global History Regents Exam, the Enduring Essay requires students to adeptly describe historically significant challenges. Teachers in this course will explore proven tactics for introducing this concept in the classroom and guiding students to mastery-level essay writing.
Applicable to teachers at the secondary level.

ON-LINE  (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only

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coal fired power plant, coal energy, wind edgeAcing the Industrial Revolution
*NEW COURSE SPRING 2021 A pivotal unit in the Social Studies curriculum, the Industrial Revolution must be explored and revered.  Samuel Slater and the development of the factory system, how that system has evolved into the modernized factories we see today, the crucial inventions that paved the way for the North, the trailblazers who saw into the future and believed in the country’s potential.  These topics, if taught the right way, have the ability to captivate an audience of students. Teachers enrolled in this course will explore interactive lesson ideas and modern connections that make teaching the Industrial Revolution an engaging, rewarding experience for students. Applicable to Social Studies teachers. ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
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sketch, cute, childActivities That Teach

3 credits/45 hours In service only

Bryan Horrman

Course Description:

Have you ever asked yourself, “Which is more important, to have students learn the outcomes of previous reasoning or to have students learn the skills to conduct their own research?” Much of teaching that we do today is outcome based, which has manifested itself in multiple choice exams. While testing is important, there needs to be a balance by teaching students the process by which they arrive at answers. This class will explore the use of active learning inside of your classroom where students can be directly involved in their own education.

Goal of the Course:

The goal of this course to collaborate with other teachers and create a plethora of resources that can be used inside of the classroom. This course will help create a positive environment and encourage students to retain information in an active way.

Learning Outcomes:

• Opportunities to process course material through thinking, writing, talking, and problem solving give students multiple avenues for learning.
• Applying new knowledge helps students encode information, concepts, and skills in their memories by connecting it with prior information, organizing knowledge, and strengthening neural pathways
• Receiving frequent and immediate feedback helps students correct misconceptions and develop a deeper understanding of course material
• Working on activities helps create personal connections with the material, which increases students’ motivation to learn
• Regular interaction with the instructor and peers around shared activities and goals helps create a sense of community in the classroom
• Instructors may gain more insight into student thinking by observing and talking with students as they work
• Knowing how students understand the material helps instructors target their teaching in future lessons
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child, soccer, playingAdapting Backyard, Lawn and Beach Games for Physical Education Curriculums


ON-LINE (3 CREDITS/45 HOURS) In-Service credit only
Instructor:  Alison Incarnato

Course Description: Different types of physical activity trends come in and out of popularity throughout time. Keeping student engagement high is important to student participation in physical education classes. In order to keep engagement high physical education teachers must be on top of the latest fitness and physical activity trends that are popular with our students. Backyard, Lawn and Beach Games are growing quickly in popularity with school age children so how as teachers can we incorporate these popular activities into our physical education curriculum? 

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children, win, successAdaptive Strategies for Learning: Tips for the Educator to Effectively Meet The Needs of All Students
NEW COURSE Course Description: Educators must be resourceful when teaching students; providing just the right amount of support to encourage learning without creating dependence. This course will explore and define instructional strategies, supports, cues and prompting. Scaffolding skills and differentiated instruction will be discussed. At the conclusion of this course, participants will have an understanding of instructional prompts and techniques to use within the classroom to maximize their students’ learning. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service only
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english, english language, languageAddressing the Needs of ELL’s – Strategies to Prepare English Language Learners for the NYSESLAT (New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test
*NEW COURSE FALL 2020 The NYSESLAT is a yearly state assessment that all ELLs will take regardless of their disability, functioning level, grade, or native language. The NYSESALT is designed to assess ELLs in the areas of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing in English. This course is intended to prepare not only English as a New Language teachers, but teachers in all areas, to support ELLs for the NYSESLAT. In this course you will analyze the Blueprint for ELL success, observe ways ESOL teachers differentiate for ELLs, examine co-teaching models, view and critique samples of the NYSESLAT, observe the “7 Step Vocabulary Strategy,” practice Bloom’s “hot questioning,” and create mini-lessons that touch upon the modalities; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service only
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english, english language, languageAddressing the Needs of ELL’s: Building and Maintaining Communication and Involvement from Families of ELL’s
*NEW COURSE FALL 2020 All teachers are teachers of English learners. An obstacle teachers commonly face is how to effectively communicate with families of ELLs. This course will provide strategies for communication, tips to strengthen relationships, and ways to increase involvement from families of English Language Learners. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service only
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english, english language, languageAddressing the Needs of ELLs: Understanding Second Language Acquisition
*NEW COURSE SPRING 2021 All teachers are teachers of English learners. It is essential for educators to understand second language acquisition and how they can support ELLs in the classroom. This course will provide a brief overview of second language acquisition including language stages, theories, factors affecting acquisition, lesson models, and language objectives. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service only
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family, holding hands, parentsAddressing the Needs of Students: Culturally Responsive Teaching
*NEW COURSE FALL 2020 All educators have the essential responsibility of incorporating culturally responsive teaching to their everyday instruction. Culturally responsive teaching makes meaningful connections between the academic curriculum and students’ cultures, languages, and life experiences. This course will provide strategies and tips to create and maintain a culturally responsive classroom. This course is intended for all Educators. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service only
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school, learning, graphic-2761394.jpgAddressing the Needs of Students: Going Beyond Assessment with Student Digital Portfolios
Instructor: Loren Warman Email: 45 Hours/3 Credits   Course Descriotion: Dr. Barret once said, “Testing gives you a snapshot, portfolios give you a movie.” Go beyond assessment with student digital portfolios. Use technology throughoutgrades K-12 to engage and involve students in their ownlearning journey. Incorporate digital portfolios as an assessment tool that showcases students’ abilities, growth, culture, and personalities that standardized testing cannot capture. Suitable all educators K-12.
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english, english language, languageAI and English Language Learners: Challenges and Recommendations
(3 credits/45 hours)
Course Description: English Language Learners (ELLs) are a diverse group of students who are faced with learning a new language and content while simultaneously immersing themselves into a new culture. This course delves into the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and English Language Learning (ELL), exploring the opportunities, challenges, and recommendations for integrating AI tools effectively for ELLs in your classroom. As technology continues to shape education, understanding the potential of AI in language acquisition is crucial for educators seeking to enhance the learning experience for English language learners. 
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light, circle, pointsAll About an Educators Guide to Tourette Syndrome
Childhood tics are quite common and are reported as occurring in approximately 4 to 18% of school aged children. The purpose of this course is to provide information about Tourette Syndrome (TS) and how school aged children can be supported in school. The course will cover both information about the disorder as well as strategies for supporting and instructing students with TS. This course is appropriate for all educators K-12, ELA, Social Studies, Math, Science, ESL, Special Education, Art and Music, Physical Education, School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors ,Social Workers Speech/Language teachers and therapists, OT & PT’s. Common Core Learning Standards are addressed. Course Objectives: 1. Participants will research the essential features of Tourette’s and related disorders 2. Participants will consider the implication and effects of TS on classroom performance and school attendance 3. Participants will identify strategies and supports for students with TS and related symptoms 4. Participants will learn how to create a plan to support their students ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
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brain, brainstorming, bulbAll About Anxiety in School Age Children
This course will provide participants with an overview of various anxiety disorders with a focus on: definitions, prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment. Emphasis will be placed on recognition of the behaviors, signs and symptoms that may be observed in the classroom and what accommodations and strategies teachers may use to support their students. This course is appropriate for all educators K-12, ELA, Social Studies, Math, Science, ESL, Special Education, Art and Music, Physical Education, School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors ,Social Workers Speech/Language teachers and therapists, OT & PT’s. Common Core Learning Standards are addressed. This course is important for ALL educators! ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
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mental health, brain, mindAll About OCD: A Primer for Teachers
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects approximately one in 200 children. That means that approximately two million children in the U.S. currently have this illness and throughout the course of your career you are likely to have children struggling with this disorder in your classroom. This course will provide participants with the opportunity to learn the difference between obsessions and compulsions, the diagnostic criteria, the tell tale signs of the disorder that may be observed in the classroom, and how to support and accommodate students who may have OCD or OCD tendencies. This course is appropriate for all educators K-12, ELA, Social Studies, Math, Science, ESL, Special Education, Art and Music, Physical Education, School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors ,Social Workers Speech/Language teachers and therapists, OT & PT’s. Common Core Learning Standards are addressed. ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
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mental health, brain, mindAll About School Mental Health Issues
The mental health of students in schools is an often overlooked, yet extremely relevant issue for today’s educator. Educators are often the first to notice mental health problems and are in a unique position to make a difference when it comes to promoting and addressing student mental health concerns in and out of the classroom. Mental disorders: affect a student’s emotional well-being, affect a student’s ability to learn and may be a factor in why some students drop out of school. This course will cover: common mental health disorders, the role of educators to identify warning signs, communicating with parents and supporting students in the classroom. This course is relevant to all who work in schools with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21),special area teachers (gym, art, music, technology) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists or speech pathologists and occupational or physical therapists. ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
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mental health, brain, mindAll About School Mental Health Issues
PDLI9030 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor:  Randi Miller Course Description: The mental health of students in schools is an often overlooked, yet extremely relevant issue for today’s educator. Educators are often the first to notice mental health problems and are in a unique position to make a difference when it comes to promoting and addressing student mental health concerns in and out of the classroom. Mental disorders: affect a student’s emotional well-being, affect a student’s ability to learn and may be a factor in why some students refuse to attend school. This course will cover: common mental health disorders (10 in total), the signs and symptoms of each disorder, the behavioral manifestation of the disorders in school, and the role of educators (regardless of their position) to identify warning signs, communicate with parents and support students in/out of the classroom. This course is relevant to all who work in schools with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for all school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21), special area teachers (gym, art, music, technology) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists or speech pathologists and occupational or physical therapists.
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school bus, school, busAll About School Refusal: Helping our Students Attend and Stay in School
Each year, approximately 2–5% of children refuse to come to school. School refusal can be observed in kindergarten students who demonstrate relatively mild separation anxiety to more severe cases where a student misses weeks or months of school. As a result of the social and educational consequences associated with missing school, the issue needs to examined and addressed promptly. This course will look at the factors associated with and contributing to the occurrence of school refusal. Participants will examine the short and long term effects of absenteeism, the signs and symptoms commonly associated with school refusal and research solutions to the problem. This course is relevant to all who work in schools and with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21),special area teachers (gym, art, music) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists and pathologists and occupational and physical therapists. ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
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girl, kid, childAll About School Refusal: Helping our Students Attend and Stay in School
PDLI9000 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor:  Randi Miller Graduate Level Credits Course Description: Each year, approximately 2–5% of children refuse to come to school. School refusal can be observed in kindergarten students who demonstrate relatively mild separation anxiety to more severe cases where a student misses’ weeks or months of school. As a result of the social and educational consequences associated with missing school, the issue needs to examine and addressed promptly. This course will look at the factors associated with and contributing to the occurrence of school refusal. Participants will examine the short- and long-term effects of absenteeism, the signs and symptoms commonly associated with school refusal and research solutions to the problem. This course is relevant to all who work in schools and with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for school administrators,  regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21),special area teachers (gym, art, music) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists and pathologists and occupational and physical therapists.
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team, group, peopleAll About Trauma Informed Behavior and Classroom Management
PDLI9010 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor: Randi Miller Course Description: Traumatic experiences come in many forms ranging from one-time events (like the current pandemic) to experiences that are prolonged and recurring. To date, approximately 50% of the nation’s children and adolescents have experienced at least one or more types of serious childhood trauma.  The effects of these traumatic experiences impact how students focus, attend, learn, form relationships and behave in the classroom. Trauma informed interventions focus on building relationships, routines, choice-making and self-regulation skills. This course has been developed to provide all educators with content knowledge on the types and biology of trauma, ACES, and best practices in trauma-informed behavior and classroom management strategies. The course will provide participants with the knowledge and tools they need to create a safe, supportive learning environment for all students. A timely course given the current public health crisis and school shut down. A good opportunity to be prepared to meet the needs of staff and students when school re-opens.  Applicable all Educators and Staff K – 12.
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brain, gears, conceptAll about: Creating regulation and calm in yourself, staff and students
(3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Randi B. Miller
Course Description: 
Learning, thinking, listening, processing information, communicating and relationships with others are best when one is in a calm and regulated state.
Regulation in others, starts with our own skills of self-regulation. Then through the process of co-regulation, calm is shared and modeled which in turn develops and fosters the ability for students to self-regulate. 
This course will provide participants a framework to understand calm and regulation through the brain/body/behavior connection. Participants will develop a working understanding of the terms: regulation, dysregulation, and co-regulation. The course will also provide resources and materials to help participants implement strategies and teaching procedures to create calm. This course is appropriate for all educators K-12, ELA, Social Studies, Math, Science, ESL, Special Education, Art and Music, Physical Education, School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors ,Social Workers Speech/Language teachers and therapists, OT & PT’s. 
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meditation, mindfulness, natureAll about: Creating Regulation and Calm in Yourself, Staff and Students

formerly titled: Strategies to Promote Regulation and Calm in yourself, staff and students throughout the day

3 credits/45 hours … In service only 

Course Description:

Learning, thinking, listening, processing information, communicating and relationships with others are best when one is in a calm and regulated state.

Regulation in others, starts with our own skills of self-regulation. Then through the process of co-regulation, calm is shared and modeled which in turn develops and fosters the ability for students to self-regulate.  Appropriate for all Educators and Staff K-12.

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geometry, mathematics, computer scienceAll About: Managing Student Behavior in Remote & Blended Learning Environments
*NEW COURSE – FIRST SESSION JANUARY, 2021 In March of 2020, educators entered the “unchartered waters” of remote instruction quickly adapting curriculum and instruction to virtual classrooms and a variety of online platforms. But what about behavior and classroom management systems? How did classroom routines and reinforcement systems work virtually? As time marched on, educators expressed ongoing challenges with keeping their students actively engaged and behaving appropriately during remote instruction. Educators sought to implement classroom procedures in the virtual classroom and many quickly realized that maintaining attention or compliance remotely is not the same as when you are face to face. This course will provide participants the opportunity to reflect on their current in school behavior and classroom management practices and learn how to extend them to a virtual learning environment. Participants will learn what is considered best practice when managing behavior remotely with a focus on creating systems and plans that are consistent in both learning environments. Participants will plan to pivot seamlessly between in person and remote instruction as needed. Participants will learn all about digital resources designed for behavior and classroom and will consider and make decisions about what may work best for them This course is relevant for all who work in schools with children ages 5-21 in both General and Special Education settings including (but not limited to) classroom and resource room teachers, related service providers (Speech/Language therapist, OT, PT), Special area teachers (e.g. Gym, Art, Music, Health) and all members of PPS (School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors, School Social Workers) and School Administrators. ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
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All about: Selective Mutism (SM)
(3 credits/45 hours) Instructor: Randi Miller Selective Mutism is an anxiety disorder which significantly affects social/pragmatic language skills, social interactions, relationships as well as school performance. This course will focus on the development of SM and co-existing conditions (such as social anxiety). It will provide a review of evidence based practices for those working with students in a school setting students with SM (or those who may display) characteristics of Selective Mutism. Course objectives; After completing the coursework, participants will: Have knowledge of the diagnostic criteria and characteristics of SM and related disorders Have a foundation of information to support a student with SM in and out of the classroom. Be able to work with peers to support their classmate with SM Create/share resources for parents and colleagues This course is relevant to all who work in schools with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for all school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21), special area teachers (gym, art, music, technology) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists or speech pathologists and occupational or physical therapists.
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class, discussion, girlsAll about: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) School-wide Engagement Activities
Instructor: Randi Miller Course Description: School-wide and Classroom Practices is an integral component of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs. A part of SEL is the process of helping educators build their expertise and skills to lead their schools social and emotional learning initiatives regardless of their role in the building/district. One of the many components of SEL is cultivating adults’ own social and emotional competencies. When educators embody the same practices that they hope to teach their students, the outcomes for learners are maximized. Developing school-wide engagement activities for SEL provides opportunities for staff and students to engage in team building and learning activities that focus on this common goal. The development and implementation of school-wide activities creates teachable moments while reinforcing the core SEL components. This course is relevant to all who work in schools with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for all school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21),special area teachers (gym, art, music, technology) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists or speech pathologists and occupational or physical therapists
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brain, brainstorming, bulbAll About: Trauma Informed Behavior and Classroom Management
Traumatic experiences come in many forms ranging from one-time events (like the current pandemic) to experiences that are prolonged and recurring. To date, approximately 50% of the nation’s children and adolescents have experienced at least one or more types of serious childhood trauma. The effects of these traumatic experiences impact how students focus, attend, learn, form relationships and behave in the classroom. Trauma informed interventions focus on building relationships, routines, choice-making and self-regulation skills. This course has been developed to provide all educators with content knowledge on the types and biology of trauma, ACES, and best practices in trauma-informed behavior and classroom management strategies. The course will provide participants with the knowledge and tools they need to create a safe, supportive learning environment for all students. A timely course given the current public health crisis and school shut down. A good opportunity to be prepared to meet the needs of staff and students when school re-opens. Course Objectives: Participants will: 1. Develop an understanding of what trauma is and the effect it has on brain development 2. Form an awareness of the role trauma can play in classroom performance and behavior 3. Become trauma aware and develop a trauma lens in which they can look at behavior in a different way 4. Examine traditional behavior and classroom management strategies and adapt them to be trauma informed and trauma focused 5. Create an action plan to address the needs of students impacted by the effects of trauma This course is relevant to all who work in schools with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for all school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21),special area teachers (gym, art, music, technology) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists or speech pathologists and occupational or physical therapists. ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
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mental health, brain, mindAll Behavior is Functional: Functions of Behavior and How to Increase Participation and Manage Misbehavior
Approximately 10 percent of the school population (or 9-13 million children) struggle with and demonstrate behaviors associated with mental health problems, ASD, developmental and learning disabilities. Additionally, on the rise, are students who struggle day to day from the effects of trauma or bullying. In the classroom, children with behavioral challenges often fail in school, waste time in detention or suspension, fall behind academically or never master the skills they need to make adequate progress. All the while, educators and all school-based professionals are under pressure to show progress for every student every year. This course is relevant to all who work in schools with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for all school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21),special area teachers (gym, art, music, technology) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists or speech pathologists and occupational or physical therapists. Course of objectives: 1. Participants will learn the basics of behavior 2. Participants will gain an understanding of the functions of behavior and how to use this methodology to understand behavior 3. Participants will synthesize their learning in order to help them manage the misbehavior of even the most challenging of students 4. Participants will apply behavior principles in order to create systems to motivate and get more out of their students ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
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brain, gears, conceptAll Behavior is Functional: functions of behavior and how to increase participation and manage misbehavior
PDLI9020 (45 HOURS/3 GRADUATE CREDITS) ON-LINE Instructor:  Randi Miller Course Description: Approximately 10 percent of the school population (or 9-13 million children) struggle with and demonstrate behaviors associated with mental health problems, ASD, developmental and learning disabilities. Additionally, on the rise, are students who struggle day to day from the effects of trauma or bullying. In the classroom, children with behavioral challenges and acting out behavior, are disruptive in the classroom, fall behind academically or never master the skills they need to make adequate progress. This course has been developed to provide educators in and out of the classroom with content knowledge on principles of behavior, the functions of behavior and will provide the participants with a set of skills they can use to identify what a student is getting from his/her behavior and how to best manage and prevent ongoing incidents in/out of the classroom. Applicable all Educators and staff K-12.
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mobile phone, smartphone, appAn Easy Website: Creating and Maintaining Your Online Classroom
In this day and age of technology, social media, and mobile devices in the hands of virtually everyone, it is important for educators to keep up. Teachers often shy away from having their own web pages because of cost, complex computer jargon, and time constraints. Teachers enrolled in this course will set aside their fears and enter the surprisingly user-friendly and FREE world of website creation. They will have the opportunity to create their own classroom websites, learn how to easily maintain and update them, and explore the educational possibilities that come along with spreading a classroom beyond its conventional four walls. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
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kids, girl, pencilAn Overview of Language Development for the Classroom Teacher
*NEW COURSE SPRING 2021 What is typical language development? What is atypical? What is language? In this course you will learn the components of language. Theories of language acquisition will be discussed. Language development will be reviewed across the age ranges of toddlers, preschool and school age children. The relationship between language and academics will be addressed. The difference between delays, difference and disorder will be explained as well as red flags for teachers. This course is a must for all educators! Topics: Language Development and acquisition, toddler preschool and school age language development, language and academics and strategies for the classroom teacher. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service only
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teaching, child, worldAn unequal pandemic- analyzing the consequences of the virus on society

(3 credits/45 hours) – In-service credits 

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia- 

Course Description: This course will analyze the disparities prevalent in society since the onset of the pandemic and the ways in which educators can assist students via effective teaching strategies. Inequalities include surges in vehicle crashes, learning, racial, and economic divides. Participants will gauge how these disparities hinder students’ growth and learn how to inculcate a wealth of strategies in their repertoire of learning in order to counteract this including narrative writing, non-fiction and fiction analysis, scientific data, historical perspectives. *A must for K-12 educators**

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children playing, playground, childrenAnalysis and Understanding of the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
Bullying whether in person on cyber bullying can have drastic ramifications. This act is a way for school staff to report any acts of “bullying” against students and see a change occur within the school. This course will explore what is DASA and how it applies in your school as well as the intricacies within. ON-LINE (3credits/45hours) In-service credit only
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brain, gears, conceptApplying Psychological Principles in Schools
* New Course Fall 2021 ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-Service Credit only Instructor: Malka Ismach, Ph.D. Email: Course Description:  In this course, we will learn the history, components, and theories of the science of psychology, a science like no other. We will study various theories and researchers as well as constructs and how each contributes to the field in its own way.  We will study, analyze, and discuss human behavior, intelligence, conditions, motivations and more. We will learn how to apply all the components of psychology into educational settings of all kinds. This course was developed for school administrators,  regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21), special area teachers, school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists and pathologists and occupational and physical therapists.
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PlaceholderApproaches to Nonfiction Reading Instruction
With the adoption of the CCLS one major instructional shift has been to incorporate more nonfiction into the classroom. As educators, one of our major goals is to prepare students to be college and career ready. Approximately ninety-five percent of daily work-related information is in expository form. Based upon this information, it is necessary for educators to teach students ways to navigate and comprehend this form of text. This course will help teachers improve nonfiction instruction and expository reading comprehension with their students. Topics covered in this class include: expository text structure, features and patterns strategies for vocabulary instruction metacognition strategies like activation of prior knowledge (new to known), self-monitoring skills, questioning the text, determining importance, and synthesizing As a result of this course participants will gather helpful unit plans of study for incorporating nonfiction for immediate classroom use. A must for all educators K-12!! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
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class, discussion, girlsApproaches to Positive Behavior in the Classroom
*NEW COURSE SUMMER 2021 Course Description: According to the most recent research on teacher effectiveness, instruction flourishes in a classroom environment that promotes a collaborative community.  This course will provide an overview on the philosophy behind creating a classroom culture that fosters positive behavior.  Participants will learn strategies for establishing classroom settings, routines, and expectations that encourage student voice, creativity, leadership, and effective teamwork.  Educators will research strategies for constructive supervision, increasing student capacity and opportunity as well as methods for reducing negative behaviors.  During this class, participants will explore technological resources to monitor and motivate student behavior.  Educators will also learn how to write and use both a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) based upon data collection.  As a result of this class, participants will learn best practices to improve student behavior and create an ideal learning environment for success! A must for all Educators K-12! 
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boys, children, readingApproaches to Reading Fluency Instruction
“Fluency is the ability, to read smoothly, easily, and readily with freedom from word recognition problems. Fluency provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. It is not a stage of development at which readers can read all words quickly and easily. Fluency changes, depending on what readers are reading, their familiarity with the words, and the amount of their practice with reading text.” —National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) Fluent reading is a sign of a proficient reader and is a major goal of literacy instruction. When readers are fluent, they are free from word recognition challenges and are able to fully focus on meaning and comprehension. This course will explain fluency and the components of fluent reading in depth. Educators will learn key fluency terms including: phrasing, intonation, automaticity, and expression. Participants will learn how fluency develops and various methods/tools to assess/measure fluency. In addition, educators will research successful instructional strategies to implement within his/her own classroom. Teacher will gather many fluency lesson plans for immediate use with students. A must for all educators!! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
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family, holding hands, parentsApproaches to Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
“Social and emotional competence is the ability to understand, manage, and express the social and emotional aspects of one’s life in ways that enable the successful management of life tasks- such as learning, forming relationships, solving everyday problems, and adapting to the complex demands of growth and development” -Maurice Elias This course will provide an overview of Social Emotional Learning in schools and explain the five core social emotional competencies. Participants will research SEL curriculum and standards from NYSED as well as content area integration crosswalks. Educators will learn the benefits of teaching SEL by researching successful implementation from schools across the nation, spanning all grade levels. In addition, participants will research growth mindset as well as mindfulness and the correlation with academic achievement. ONLINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
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analysis, biochemistry, biologistApproaches to STEM Curriculum and Instruction
“America must provide students with a strong education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to prepare them to succeed in the global economy.” -U.S. Department of Education This course will examine the philosophy of STEM education as well as current research about the STEM initiative. The various methods of STEM implementation will be discussed. Participants will learn the components of successful STEM instruction and have the opportunity to research/evaluate useful STEM resources. Local resources and field trip opportunities will be explored in order to bring the STEM experience to life in the classroom. As a result of this course, participants will gather a variety of materials for effective STEM instruction that will be ready for immediate classroom use. A must for all educators K-12! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
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iphone, smartphone, appsApproaches to Teaching Digital Literacy and Citizenship
According to the NYS Department of Education, a digitally literate person is someone who can use technology strategically to find and evaluate information as well as connect and collaborate with others over the Internet. As educators we must prepare students to learn in the digital age while maintaining good citizenship. This course will cover the components of information literacy and website content evaluation. Participants will be given ready to use lesson plans to incorporate digital literacy and digital citizenship instruction in his/her classroom. In addition, participants will gather the necessary tools to teach students how to search safely and effectively. Other topics explored in this course include: digital footprint and reputation, cyberbullying, and privacy and security. A must for all educators K-12! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
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boys, children, readingApproaches to the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards: What Every Educator Should Know!
The focus of this course will be to provide educators with an overview of the Next Generation Learning Standards recently adopted by New York State. Participants will have the opportunity to research and study the philosophy behind the new standards and the timeline for implementation. During this course, educators will research the ELA, Math, and Science standards appropriate to his/her grade level. In addition, educators will examine the differences between the Next Generation Learning Standards and the current Common Core Learning Standards. As a culminating activity, students will create dynamic lessons aligned to the Next Generation Learning standards utilizing the information learned in this course. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
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