Laurie Thode
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![]() This course is designed to explore & dissect the Individualized Education Plan, the 504 Plan, their laws, and the process of special education. An IEP is a written document that individualizes the disabled students’ program to ensure that a child who has a disability is receiving individualized instruction or related services. This course will discuss at length the differences between an IEP and a 504 Plan, how to develop an IEP/504 Plan, the 13 categories of special education, the differences between modifications and accommodations, federally mandated measurable goals, the IEP process, special education timelines, descriptions and definitions of related service providers, & much more.
ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
$250.00$280.00 Buy here |
![]() A safe and supportive school climate can help prevent bullying. Safety starts in the classroom. Students should also feel and be safe everywhere—in the cafeteria, in the library, in the restrooms, on the bus, and on the playground. Everyone at school can work together to create a climate where bullying is not acceptable. By the close of this course, teachers will have a keen understanding on what bullying is. They’ll be able to recognize the different types of bullying, adopt certain techniques so bullying is absent in their classroom. They will analyze a case study on bullying. They will examine different personalities and risk factors of the bully and the victim, identify warning signs that bullying is happening with your students, prevent cyberbullying, and also understanding DASA. This course is geared for all K-12 educators and special area teachers.
ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only $250.00$280.00 Buy here |
![]() ABC’s of Classroom Management and Organization is designed to assist all teachers regardless of how many years you’ve been teaching. This class will help all teachers in becoming successful in implementing a managememt plan that helps all children succeed in your classroom. Classroom management is a term used by teachers and educators to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite potentially challenging events that can occur during a lesson. Many teachers find that classroom management is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching. This class will include topics such as classroom rules, classroom rewards, bullying, classroom management strategies, seating arrangement styles, consequences, learning objectives, promoting autonomy, and more!
ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
**no additional discounts apply $250.00$280.00 Buy here |
![]() An increasing number of special education students are receiving instruction in the general education classroom, k-12th grades. This course offers definitions, information on diagnoses, observable traits and instructional/behavioral strategies to support each learner. You’ll be
better prepared to handle the most frustrating aspects of teaching a child with a learning difference, more prepared to maximize each student’s strengths, better equipped to meet the multitude of challenges ahead and manage change in education. Suitable all eductors K – 12.
ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
$250.00$280.00 Buy here |
![]() The natural genetic make-up of the body interacts with environment from the moment of conception. While extreme genetic or environmental conditions can predominate behavior in some cases, these two factors usually work together to produce individual intelligence. During this class, you will learn topics which include the understanding between genetic and environmental influences of cognition, environmental causes, nutrition and cognitive functioning, birth order and how it relates to intelligence, other important factors that influence intelligence, sociocultural influences on learning and behavior, and addressing behaviors within our classroom.
ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
$250.00$280.00 Buy here |
![]() Creating a framework of safety is critical in students’ lives during a pandemic. Abrupt change can trigger stress and fear in students that can leave scars for decades to come. A student in stress is unable to learn effectively. As schools across the country remain closed, students with trauma, difficult home situations, and anxiety need support now more than ever. Help students feel safe through the three C’s, communication, consistence, and control.
ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
$250.00$280.00 Buy here |
![]() The demands and challenges of the 21st century require innovations on the part of teachers, administrators, schools, and communities to fully prepare students for college, career, and beyond. Educators who take on the whole child approach, which aims to ensure that each student is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged, set the standard for comprehensive, sustainable school improvement and provide students with the opportunity for long-term success. In this course we will discuss the basics of blended learning, strategies for student engagement, various blended learning models, blended assessment, and classroom management strategies for settings. Participants will have the opportunity to review characteristics of Blended Learning while comparing and contrasting their current professional practices. This class is created for any educator or service provider. K-12.
ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only $250.00$280.00 Buy here |
![]() You will develop an understanding of how it feels to have a learning disability. By understanding how a learning disabled student feels, you will be able to teach them differently. You will learn strategies and will be expected to understand the psychology of a learning disability, its definition and causes. You will develop an appreciation for the approaches in educational and employment settings which support individuals with learning disorders, the impact that individuals with learning disorders have on their friends and family; and widen your empathy and respect for individuals with learning disorders regarding their strengths and weaknesses. Suitable all educators K-12.
NOTE: This instructor also offers an additional course on this subject Learning Disabilities/Strategies to Help Guide the Learning Disabled Student to Success. This course was designed to provide additonal information and direction beyond the ABC’s course.
ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) In-service Credit only
$250.00$280.00 Buy here |
![]() Most students feel stressed at times in class, but some might be more vulnerable to stress than others. When stress builds up to severe levels for a child, they may be at risk to develop toxic stress—which can have lasting effects on their social-emotional, behavioral, and physical health. If you can recognize signs of stress in your students, you can provide them with support to help them manage it before it overwhelms them. It will cover an array of topics such as recognizing symptoms of stress, possible reasons for school related stress, stress management techniques, meditation, truancy/suspensions, trauma, and also distinguishing between good vs. bad stress. This class is created for any educator or service provider. Suggested for all Educators K-12.
ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) In-service Credit only
$250.00$280.00 Buy here |
![]() This online course will allow professionals working with children the opportunity to create resilient environments that meets the social, emotional, ethical, and academic needs of students. You will be provided with necessary tools that will enable them to foster compassion, a workable set of values, the skills of cooperation, appropriate decision-making, goal setting, and high academic expectations in their school setting. You will explore some research-based skills and competencies that have a positive impact on the organizational structure of school and the delivery of instruction. Student performance build bridges by acknowledging past accomplishments, validating what is presently working well, and designing future goals to bring the existing classrooms. Mindfulness is about learning to train your attention to the present moment without dwelling on what has happened in the past or worrying about the future. Mindfulness provides many physical and psychological benefits which will be discussed throughout this course.
ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only
$250.00$280.00 Buy here |