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hands, raised, raised handsUniversal Design for Learning to Engage All Students
* New Course Spring 2022 (3 Credits/45 Hours) In Service Credits only Instructor: Allison Elfreth Email: Course Description: UDL, or universal design for learning, is a framework for teaching geared toward accommodating the needs and abilities of all learners. Using UDL, the learning goals are the same for all students while the teacher provides different ways for these goals to be achieved.  UDL is not the same as differentiated instruction, as UDL proactively aims to provide options that makes the lesson accessible to all learners, differentiated instruction is a reactive process in which adjustments are made based on the individual’s needs.  UDL is meant to remove the barriers to learning and encourage students to self-differentiate by choosing the best path for themselves.  We will explore
• What Universal Design for Learning is and how it can engage all students
• How UDL develops expert learners
• Using BrainPOP as a tool for UDL
• Learner variability and the Myth of Average
• The multiple means of representation, engagement, and action and expression
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artificial intelligence, brain, think-3382507.jpgUsing Al to your Advantage
While AI has been in the education technology space for a while, adoption has been slow. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual learning forced the industry to shift. Al helps streamline the student education process by offering access to suitable courses, bettering communication with tutors, and giving them more time to focus on other life aspects. Al enhances the personalization of student learning programs and courses, promotes tutoring by helping students improve their weak spots and sharpen their skills, ensures quick responses between teachers and students, and enhances universal 24/7 learning access. Educators can use AI for task automation, including administrative work, evaluating learning patterns, grading papers, responding to general queries, and more. Here are eight ways Al is used in education.
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sketch, cute, childUsing Phenomena-Based Learning in the Science Classroom
*New Course Spring 2022 (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only Instructor: Allison Elfreth Email: Course Description:  Phenomena has been the new buzz word in education ever since Finland made Phenomena-Based Learning compulsory starting in 2016.  At its core, phenomena-based learning is intended to be a cross-disciplinary form of teaching that enables students to understand the connections between multiple disciplines and how those disciplinary knowledges can be used together to solve problems.  Practically, unless a school culture devotes itself to providing time in the day for students to participate in a multidisciplinary PhenoBL module as done in Finland, phenomena-based learning can and must be done in a given subject area.  Phenomena are simply observable events, and they need not be phenomenal.  The phenomena should have a real-world context which is how we can begin to engage all students.  Similar to project-based learning and problem-based learning, students are expected to work together to ask questions and find solutions to those questions.  We will explore the following
  • What is phenomena-based learning?
  • What are the qualities of good phenomena?
  • A library of phenomena examples
  • Using graphs and data in a real-world context as an anchoring phenomena
  • How phenomena are related to the Next-Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
  • How to use storylines to guide our lessons using anchoring phenomena
  • Phenomena based learning and the 5E Model
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geometry, mathematics, computer scienceUsing the Computer for Personal Productivity In & Out of the Classroom
The overall goal of this course is for learners to develop and implement a plan that will use the computer to increase their personal productivity. By the end of this course, learners will understand and be able to use technology inside and outside the classroom in a manner that increases productivity, understand how to use technology to improve communication with parents, colleagues, and students; create lesson plans; manage information; and develop teaching materials and assessments; make best use of the software, hardware, and internet resources that they have available at their school to improve personal productivity; incorporate the use of the computer for personal productivity into their professional teaching practice. Recommended for all educators K-12. ON-LINE (3credits/45hours) In-service credit only  
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english, english language, languageWatch the Gap! But How to Close it?
Instructor: Paige MacLeod Email: Description: In the middle of a well-organized and prepared lesson, have you ever realized your students do not have the background knowledge to complete the task or understand the concept? You suddenly find yourself doing a quick Google Image or YouTube search, drawing diagrams on the SmartBoard or scrounging up some sort of visual to help provide that background knowledge, and essentially, fill that gap. We try to anticipate these setbacks and incorporate the background knowledge or skills, but it is impossible to predict them all until you are in the moment. As educators, we are well aware of the basic fact that there are challenges and “gaps” that our ELL students face. These challenges are present despite where the student is in their academic career, or when they entered the American educational system. There is an overwhelming number of inequities, so it is important that we try to pinpoint the most common, detrimental, and even the ones that may be less obvious. Objective: Course participants will have an understanding of the array of systematic and societal challenges of being an ELL and how these challenges contribute to widening the academic gap for them.
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teacher, learning, school-4784917.jpgWe’re All in the Together…Creating a K-12 Classroom Community One Change at a Time
Creating a solid classroom community where students are eager to take risks is essential for all grade levels. This course gives teachers concrete ways to incorporate small and meaningful changes into their daily routines. Energizers, brain breaks, group activities, greetings, and community shares, will all be
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education, back to school, school suppliesWelcome Back: Promoting Positivity and Production
Course Description: A new school year comes with new challenges on how to welcome our students back to our rooms and promote positivity.   As educators we need to find ways for our students to feel calm and less stressed, while also helping them to become productive individuals in our classrooms.  This course is designed to assist educators with “welcome back” procedures as well as promoting a well-balanced classroom.  Teachers will learn how to promote effective strategies for positivity and comfort while examining how to maintain a working classroom climate.   A variety of practical and effective techniques for relaxation, behavior and over-all positivity will be shared.    This is a must for all teachers of all disciplines K-12.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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teacher, property, plantWhat Great Teachers Do
Course Description: This course discovers the specific things that great teachers do.  What makes them effective?  What are their strategies?  What are their skills, and how do they promote academic excellence?  In this course we will explore the beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and interactions that form the fabric in the best classrooms and schools.  This course is a must for all educators grades K-12. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only Instructor: Kim Kittredge  
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teacher, property, plantWhat Great Teachers Do
  This course discovers the specific things that great teachers do.  What makes them effective?  What are their strategies?  What are their skills, and how do they promote academic excellence?  In this course we will explore the beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and interactions that form the fabric in the best classrooms and schools.  This course is a must for all educators grades K-12. 3 Credits In service (45 hours)
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speech icon, voice, talkingWhat Roles Can the Speech and Language Pathologist Play in Literacy Acquisition
Purpose of the class: To understand the roles the school based SLP has in children’s literacy acquisition. The student will understand and describe the connection between spoken language and the written word. The student will understand and describe what SLPs are trained in when identifying, assessing and in managing children with SLP difficulties. The student will be able to define the following commonly used SLP terms: articulation, phonology, dyspraxia, language, phonology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse, intonation and stress and prosody. The student will identify and describe the connection between oral language and reading. The student will be able to define phonological awareness and describe the connection between phonological awareness and early reading. The student will be able to describe the role the SLP has in helping the reading teacher. (7 roles) ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-service credit only
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light, circle, pointsWhen Students are in Crisis
Schools experience a wide variety of crises that have the potential to harm the mental and physical health, learning environment, and safety of students and educators. A school crisis is any traumatic event that seriously disrupts coping and problem-solving abilities of students and school staff. It is typically sudden, unexpected, dramatic and forceful and may even threaten survival. A crisis can cause a drastic and tragic change to the environment. This change is generally overwhelming and uncontrollable as well as unwanted and frightening. It may create a sense of helplessness, hopelessness, and vulnerability combined with a loss of safety. This course will provide resources, tools, recommendations, and evidence-based practices for incorporating best practices in school mental health into school crisis plans. Different types of crisis will be discussed and strategies will be developed for teachers of all grade levels and subject areas. ON-LINE (3 Credits – 45 hours) In-Service Credit only
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students, classroom, to learn-377789.jpgWhen You Thought I Wasn’t Looking – SEL Techniques for K-12 Teachers
**New Course** Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours July 22-26th, 2024 East Meadow Location – 8-5pm Course Description: Teaching students responsibility and accountability extends way beyond the home. Providing life lessons and inspirational, profound imprints on kids guides them for the rest of their lives. This course will tackle the ways in which teachers can provide a plethora of Social Emotional Instructions for their students. Topics as mindfulness, emotion management, positive affirmations, read aloud, collaborative discussions, empathy, and nurturing the whole learner will be discussed. Poetry and learning in all disciplines will be covered. *A must for K-12 educators*
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girl, sitting, jetty-1822702.jpgWhy Are American Teens so Sad- A Teacher’s Perspective?

(3 credits/45 hours)- In service credits 

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – 

Course Description: The rising rates of depression among young people are increasing. Mental-health crises are ubiquitous amongst teenagers, particularly post-pandemic as suicide contemplation increased and persistent feelings of hopelessness are on the rise. This course will investigate the reasons behind teen angst and the ways in which their sadness impacts the classroom. Participants will develop strategies that conquer and combat these issues and instruct their students to persevere as they utilize a myriad of coping mechanisms available in the course. Lessons that combat depression utilizing texts and articles will be centered on. *A must for K-12 educators!!* 

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notebook, pen, tableWriting the Perfect Lesson Plan

Course Description:

This course is designed to simplify the process of writing a terrific lesson plan.  Educators will work together to create and execute the perfect lesson plan for your students.  Teachers will share ideas and lessons they have previously used and discuss what makes an effective lesson. From the Do Now, to the Procedures, to the use of the standards and expectations, teachers will be armed with the tools to move forward with ease.  Lesson plan writing does not have to be difficult; it could be perfect.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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cranium, head, lightning-3244118.jpgZen for Gen Z

(3 credits/45 hours) In service credit only

Instructor:  Jessica Armbruster

Course Despecription:   Incorporating social-emotional learning strategies into your classroom will create a more mindful and emotionally safe environment for your K-12 students. Calming practices such as guided meditations, breathing techniques, yoga for the classroom, and incorporating sensory input will be explored.

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