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feedback, review, good-3677258.jpgProviding Meaningful Student Feedback in a Timely Manner

(3credits/45hours) In-service credit only ON-LINE Instructor: Allison Elfreth Email: Course Description: The number of responsibilities a teacher has in a given day can be extensive, from writing up engaging lesson plans, putting in grades and attendance, responding to parent emails, attending CSE meetings, organizing after school club activities, developing effective assessments, and more.  In addition to all of these responsibilities, we need to find some time to teach!  But as any of us know, teaching does not just entail delivering a lesson for 40 minutes.  We need to ensure our lessons are engaging all students, differentiated to meet the needs of all, and effectively preparing students to understand and apply the content they are learning.  Part of that needs to include providing students with meaningful feedback.  Feedback is “information provided by an agent regarding aspects of one’s performance and understanding” and is an essential part of the learning process.  Feedback provides students with a clear understanding of the subject of interest; and if employed appropriately it not only gives students clear guidance for improving learning, but it also provides them with confidence.  Of course, in order for feedback to be effective it must also be given in a timely manner; and therefore, we as teachers need to plan for providing feedback.  We cannot expect that it is something we will just squeeze into our day.  Instead, we need to be intentional about our feedback and carve out time for implementing feedback into our grading and into our lessons.  Yet it is possible to make feedback a seamless part of everyday learning.  John Hattie and Helen Timperley from the University of Auckland famously wrote The Power of Feedback in which they classify the purpose of feedback as “reducing the discrepancies between current understandings/performance and a desired goal.”  We will use this reading, John Hattie’s principles of Visible Learning, and the online tool of GrokSpot as we delve into

• Characteristics of effective feedback and the three feedback questions
• The four levels of feedback and how feedback can improve self-efficacy and student confidence
• GrokSpot online tool for making feedback a seamless part of everyday learning
• Time-saving strategies for efficient grading feedback
• The use of rubrics to provide feedback and Google Classroom rubrics
• The benefits of peer- and self- assessment
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printer, 3d, printProviding STEM Learning Opportunities through Robotics and Makerspaces
The use of Robotics and Makerspaces in schools has led to an increase in STEM learning opportunities for students. This course will examine robotics, including opportunities provided by FIRST Inspires. Participants will also learn about the Maker Movement and the development of Makerspaces. Strategies to apply best STEM teaching practices within classroom lessons and activities will be reviewed in detail. This course is suitable for all educators, K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-service credit only

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school, to learn, letters-3704033.jpgPulchritudinous Patricia Petered Out After Plummeting Down the Plain – Alliteration and other Literary Elements Made Fun
**New Course**

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours August 26-30th, 2024 East Meadow Location – 8-5pm Course Description: Grammer and Literary Elements tend to go by the wayside in today’s classrooms. Students must have the literary foundation in order to be more efficient readers and writers. This course will demonstrate to participants that grammar and literary elements can be fun and fundamental! Teachers will glean a wealth of ideas to enhance their classrooms and make their students extremely savvy with the foundations of English. Topics include grammar a go-go, snippy stories, mad libs, punctuation scavenger hunt, and many more! *A must for K-12 educators*

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yoga, asana, posePutting Children First: Encouraging a Healthy Mindset through Meditation


In the world we find ourselves in today, mindfulness and meditative practices are almost a necessity for our students. This course is designed to help teachers by encouraging them to develop a healthy mindset in their students.  Educators will learn strategies for encouraging active mindset and mediation practices in class.  Strategies will be shared to help your students become calmer in the sometimes crazy and stressful day to day of school.  Participants will learn effective and strategic ways to relax students and help them become more mindful.  This course is a must for teachers of grades K-12 of all levels.

(3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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storytelling, fantasy, imaginationRaising the Bar on Literacy in all Disciplines

Creating a balanced literacy program in one’s classroom is tantamount to student success. In this course, participants will be introduced to a medley of literary forms and techniques that will ensure student success. Topics include: author study, literature circles, poetry analysis, RAFT writing, non-fiction and fiction sources, newspaper and magazines, vocabulary study, arguments, etc… Assignments include: raising the proficiency bar, determining and clarifying meaning in texts, distinguishing between text types. In the end your classroom will be infused with literate individuals!!!! Participants will be introduced to a medley of literary techniques. They will be able to comprehend, organize, and orchestrate a balanced literacy program within the confines of their classroom. They will also be able to walk away with a wide array of material for their literate classrooms. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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yoga, asana, poseREACH your Students with Yoga: How Yoga can Enrich your Classroom!

There are many definitions as well as misconceptions about yoga. The truth is that yoga can benefit people of all ages and abilities. It can stimulate energy, focus, concentration or relaxation. We as educators, can use yoga in many different ways to reach our students. This class will provide you with an understanding of what yoga is and how you can incorporate it into your school day. Whatever your discipline is, this class is for you. The only thing that has to be flexible is your mind! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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hand, write, penReading and Writing in the Content Areas

“Every teacher is a teacher of reading”. Reading and writing are the backbones of education today. Students are required to read and write in all of their subject areas as well as employ their reading and writing skills to meet NYS standardized test requirements. To ensure that students perform well on these exams, to promote lifelong readers and writers, we as educators need to enhance student interest, vision, and comprehension in these areas. In this course, you will learn carefully crafted reading and writing techniques that could be incorporated into any discipline. Lessons and graphic organizers for mathematics, social studies, science, health, art, physical education, career skills, and English language learners will be covered, as well as scaffolding techniques for immediate use in the classroom. The course will focus on creative ways to implement reading and writing into your curriculum. You will walk away with a multitude of ideas and strategies to immerse your students with. Particular focus will be on read alouds, double-entry journals, literature circles, partnered reading and writing, vocabulary splashes, memo writes, and on-demand task writing activities. In the end, teachers and students alike will be refreshed. Everyone will be a lifelong reader and writer, and will see reading as a pathway to success. A must for all elementary and secondary educators!!!!! All work must be submitted no later than October 29th, 2010. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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storytelling, fantasy, imaginationReading Comprehension and Strategies for Science

Reading is a complex act for humans. It is a visual process that begins with ones ability to use ones vision to interpret graphic symbols. Reading requires great visual acuity. The essence of reading comprehension is to be able to cognitively process the words by drawing meaning from your own experiences and knowledge. Comprehension strategies best serve students when they are employed across the curricula and in the context of their actual learning. The goal of literacy in science is to develop in students a curiosity about the world around them. The study of science should help students make better sense of the world in which they live. In order for this to occur, students must learn how to question their knowledge, methodology, skills, values, and attitude toward the world around them. In this course, teachers will learn to fully engage students with the scientific world and make them active participants in their learning. Too often, the science textbook is used in a passive manner of learning. Participants will learn to make science more engaging through before reading, during reading, and post reading activities that develop vocabulary, build prior knowledge, activate and scaffold science. A plethora of graphic organizers will be given. A must for K-12 teachers of reading and science! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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boys, children, readingReading for A Success in Your Classroom

Course Description: This course is designed to look into the mind of readers. Educators will explore how students think when they are reading subject-matter and texts in your classroom. Do students make the connections and interactions you want them to as they read? Educators will share strategies for reading success with your students no matter what the subject area or age of your students. We will look into what works and what doesn’t and share techniques and reading lessons. This course is a must for all K-12 educators.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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hand, write, penReading,Writing & Discussion Through Picture Books
Is it difficult to motivate your students to write? Are they hesitant to participate in class discussions? This course will help alleviate stress in your classroom! Each lesson is designed to encourage your students to participate in discussion, while providing activities to help improve writing skills. Use the suggested picture books or your own to complete this course. Suggestions for K-12!

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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arm, hand, write-1284248.jpgRecipe for Success: Teaching Reading and Writing

Kim Kittredge

July 15th –19th

Summer 2024

Do you ever wonder what some of the ingredients are that go into the successful teaching of reading and writing? Both reading and writing comprehension are both complex processes that require lots of effort and various skills.  Some of these skills are often completely neglected while a child follows traditional teaching methods.  As a result, reading and writing often become a cause for a student’s anxiety and frustration.  In this course educators will be given new, innovative and fun techniques for reading and writing teaching methods.  From journaling, to writing projects, to guided reading, or reading with purpose, educators will find the tools to create the perfect recipe for their students to be successful. By the end of this course teachers will be armed with enough “food for thought” to help them be the best teachers of reading and writing they can be.

This course is a must for educators of all grades and levels K-12.


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PlaceholderReciprocal Teaching: Strategies and Lessons for strengthening student comprehension in the classroom.

Reciprocal teaching is a way to help students better comprehend what they are reading. By focusing on four evidence-based and classroom-tested strategies that good readers use to comprehend text-predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing-Teachers will learn new ways to use reciprocal teaching to improve student’s comprehension while actively engaging them in learning and encouraging independence. Course Objectives At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to: *implement reciprocal teaching in classrooms of any age/grade. *develop a plan using strategies and resources obtained from this class. *organize a program that best suits classroom needs using printable and organizational materials obtained by this course. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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hands, raised, raised handsREINVENT Yourself as an Educator: Original Ways to Keep Yourself and Your Students Stimulated

As educators, it is important to stay current and remain interesting and motivated. This will keep our students from becoming restless and disengaged. Let’s find new and interesting ways to do what we do best! This class will explore various and creative ways to address lesson plans, organization and communication. It will offer refreshing ways to reach our students and meet their goals. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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hand, write, penReinventing Your Students’ Writing and Reading Skills

How many times do you find yourself uttering the same phrase – ‘show, do not tell!’ when it comes to your students’ writing? How many of our students still engage in a basic, antiquated (5 paragraph essay) format, using no creativity or style? How many times have we come across the ‘non-reader’ in our classes? After taking this course, your students’ writing and reading problems are sure to be eliminated. You will learn the tricks of the trade in terms of writing, including the “magic-three sentence”; the “smiley face” writing technique; the “interview poem”; the “figurative language writing style” and many others to pique student interest. Books and samples will also be discussed that motivate student learning. A variety of genres and assignments will be presented for you so that you may walk away with a wealth of knowledge. All subjects and grade levels welcome. ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only

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yoga, asana, poseRELAX: You can Decrease Anxiety and Increase Productivity in your Classroom

Education today offers our students a world of knowledge and experience. Paired with the many benefits of modern education and standards, come expectations and stress. Standardized tests in particular are known to cause stress and anxiety in many students. Consequently, they may not perform to their true potential. This course will offer an understanding of the angst that some students face and several calming techniques for educators to use with these students. Strategies discussed are easily implemented and can be carried out not only by teachers, but by parents and students themselves. With an open mind and the ability to RELAX, we can help our students reach their full potential. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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library, books, woman holding booksResiliency and Student Success
New Class!

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – Course Dates: April 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13,14, 15   4:15 – 8:45 pm East Meadow Location  Course Description: The power to bounce back from difficulties is crucial for students. Providing the means for effective communication and engagement is the true role of educators who are charged with developing students’ independence and guiding them in their endeavors. This course will provide participants with a way to engage students irrespective of their difficulties. Teaching with resilience means fostering student independence, utilizing exemplars, modeling fiction and non-fiction sources, and fully examining the means to have successful connections. A wealth of lessons and ideas will be introduced. A must for all K-12 educators!!!!

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team, group, peopleRESTORATIVE JUSTICE
Educators across the nation recognize the importance of fostering positive, healthy school climates and helping students learn from their mistakes. Increasingly, they are partnering with parents, students, district officials, community organizations, and policymakers to move away from harmful and counter-productive zero-tolerance discipline policies and toward proven restorative approaches to addressing conflict in schools.

Restorative practices is an emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities. Restorative justice also promotes a positive, orderly school environment. Students and all members of the school community can learn and practice self-discipline, empathy, and accountability. Course Objectives At the conclusion of the class students will be able to: • Foster understanding and develop empathy • Actively involve and attend to the needs of all parties • Encourage accountability and responsibility • Reintegrate all parties into the community as a valuable, contributing member • Seek to repair the harm Teaching/Learning Strategies Participants: • Will get to know one another via “getting to know you” activities • Will learn what is expected of them – (course requirements) • Will use active learning strategies with instructor facilitation • Engage in journal writing and reflection, news forums • Perform in-depth case studies and problem-solving scenarios • Learning will focus on student-centered rather than teacher-centered • Will have the opportunity to visit outside resources On-Line (3 Credits/45 hours) In-Service Credit only

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meeting, team, workplaceRESTORE: Morale and Positivity in your Workplace

Morale refers to the spirit of enthusiasm of a person or group of people at a particular time. Research shows that morale has a contingent affect on productivity in the workplace. As educators, there are things we can do and steps we can take to RESTORE morale in ourselves and in our environment. Boosting morale and positivity will enable us to be happier, more productive teachers. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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team, group, peopleRise to the Challenge – Designing Rigorous Learning that Maximizes Student Success

  Course Description – Motivating students who have checked out to learning can be extremely stressful. Teachers need a blueprint for introducing more rigor into their classrooms while creating fun-filled activities that are critical thinking and inquiry based. Participants in this course will learn how to effectively address the distinct needs of their students that go beyond their comfort zones and push them toward success. A slew of activities will be completed including differentiated instruction, reading and writing in the content areas, interdisciplinary tactics, cross-cultural techniques, and current websites geared towards success. Both fiction and non-fiction sources will be addressed, as well as science and math strategies for learning. (3 credits/45 hours) – In-service Credit

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teacher, learning, school-4784917.jpgRobust Rapport within the K-12 Classroom – Empowering Individuals for Change
**New Course**

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours August 19-23rd, 2024 East Meadow Location – 8-5pm Course Description: Establishing a meaningful rapport with learners is tantamount for teachers. Encouraging students to get to know one another is crucial. This course will demonstrate the ways in which teachers can create rapport with their learners. Activities include – showing a sense of humor, encouraging class discussion, sharing personal insights and experiences, developing long and short-term aspirations. Participants will comprehend the multitude of ways in which rapport improves student motivation, feedback, student learning, and communication. *A must for K-12 educators*

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english, english language, languageRoutine and Structure For ELL Success
Course Description:

Research has consistently shown the significant benefits of having an established and clear routine in various aspects of life, including home, school, and work. Beyond enhancing efficiency, a structured routine fosters a sense of ease and comfort. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, “familiar activities can provide comfort for both adults and children during challenging and uncertain times. Just like adults, children feel more confident and secure when their daily activities are predictable and familiar.” As educators, it’s crucial to bear this in mind when shaping our classrooms and implementing systems that promote student success. This is particularly important for students with higher needs who thrive on consistency and clear expectations. English Language Learners (ELLs) often come from homes that may lack structure and possibly experience chaotic living situations. Coupled with the challenges of grasping content, language, or daily tasks, these students, in particular, benefit significantly from routines and established expectations. When they know exactly what to expect at the beginning of each class, they can enter the classroom with increased confidence, setting a positive tone for the entire lesson. Objective:  This course aims to explore the advantages of establishing clear routines and structures for students, with a specific focus on English Language Learners (ELLs). Participants will gain access to resources and practical ideas to effectively integrate routines and systems into their classrooms.

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hands, raised, raised handsRTI Instruction and Analysis in the K-12 Classroom – Tools for Engaging All Learners

Course Description – Creating a rich RTI Classroom, embedded with Tier One, Two, and Three Strategies can transform students’ lives. Being able to connect our students and have them walk in the path of success is essential for all students. In this class, teachers will be able to create lessons that engage the learner via Responding to Intervention techniques, including differentiation, student empowerment, student modification. A Must for K-12 Educators!!!

(3 credits /45 hours) – In service Credit

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hands, raised, raised handsSay What? …Questioning Techniques to promote meaningful participation in the K-12 classroom

Diving deeper than Wh questioning techniques, this course will provide teachers of all grade levels strategies to increase student engagement by incorporating various questioning strategies into their daily lessons. How to differentiate questions to engage all learners, including ELLs, G &T and Students with Disabilities will be examined.

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woman, kid, rainSEL: Practice Makes Perfect
Course Description:This course will focus on how we as teachers can perfect our roles as coordinators of the Social Emotional Learning journey.  In our classrooms, SEL and SEL learning is one of the most important sets of skills we can share.  These unique emotional learning helps, bring all learners together.  Students will feel emotionally satisfied through the learning journey, and teachers will feel they have perfected the skill.  All will walk way with a deeper understanding. Educators will take away a plethora of great strategies and techniques.  This course is a must for all teachers of all disciplines grades K-12.
ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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boys, children, readingShared Reading to Promote Content Literacy

Readers of all ages love to share their findings, whether it may be fiction or non-fiction prose. Developing the life-long habit of reading for pleasure is something that we as educators must promote. Too often, the love of reading is lost after the primary grades. This course will highlight the ways in which we can develop and sustain literacy in our classrooms. Participants will learn the shared reading approach. They will comprehend the skills necessary to achieve reading on all levels . Content area literary will be focused on, as well as various websites and annotated bibliography suggestions for teachers. Reading within the content areas will be addressed as well as a multitude of graphic organizers. A must for K-12 educators. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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teacher, property, plantSmoothing Students’ Return – Establishing a Classroom Culture of Connect

  Gayle Meinkes-Lumia ( Establishing classroom routines is a must for all teachers. Developing a schedule and a repertoire for students at the onset of the school year, as well as creating safe learning spaces that promote social-emotional learning is tantamount for any grade level and socioeconomic status. In this course, teachers will learn the basics of the art of teaching and the ways in which close connections are established. They will analyze the propensity for learning in each of their students and create individualized and differentiated instruction for all. A wealth of graphic organizers, articles, poetry, technology, classroom anchor charts and visuals will be utilized, all of which connect student learning and establish the foundation for the school year ahead. A must for all K-12 educators!!!!!

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teaching, child, worldSoar to New Heights in Learning – Teaching Special Needs Students

Students with special needs dominate all classrooms today. Teachers must learn to successfully connect with all types of learners, ranging from those with emotional needs to those with gifted needs. With a wide variety of resources, teachers can effectively master the success of all. Within this course, participants will soar to new heights within their classrooms. They will: · learn the difference between the various learners in their classroom · comprehend the various learning styles that these respective individuals need · hone in on the vocabulary of special needs’ assessment · challenge their students and themselves to a myriad of fiction and non-fiction topics in terms of special needs · comprehend various analytical skills and higher-order thinking skills that students need for success Overall, teachers will walk away with the tools they need for success. *A must for all educators! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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mobile phone, smartphone, appSocial Media in Education
With the advent of social networking and social media platforms, billions of people are now connected and communicating all over the world. As educators, we are teaching students of the digital age, who utilize social media for all aspects of life. This course will examine the use of social media in schools and the impact social media has had on youth. Participants will debate the benefits as well as the risks associated with social media usage. Cyberbullying will be examined in this class, including prevention and response strategies for educators. In addition, this class will provide information on cyber safety education to help students become “CyberSmart.” During this class, participants will have the opportunity to research social media platforms such as twitter, facebook, Linkedin, and pinterest in order to enhance instruction and learning, improve parent-teacher communication, for professional development, and much more!

ONLINE COURSE (3credits/45hours) In-service credit only  

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hands, raised, raised handsSocratic Circles and Philosophical Rounds – Transforming Student Learning One Step at a Time

Student engagement is tantamount in 21st century classrooms. Regardless of subject matter, students need to have techniques that enable them to become self-motivated learners. Providing students with the ability to partake in philosophical discussions and seminars will foster an enhanced understanding of the academic content. In this course, participants will comprehend the unique lessons of the Socratic Seminar and Philosophical Rounds techniques. They will be able to integrate these processes within the confines of their classrooms and enhance the learning environment. A must for all K-12 educators!!!! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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geometry, mathematics, computer scienceSoothing the Digital Learning Experience for K-12 Learners!

Transitioning to an on-line platform is not an easy feat. Students need the capacity to hone in on time constraints, pace themselves properly, address issues in learning, communicate with their teachers, and so much more. This course will enable teachers to cope with methodologies of instruction and challenge their students to greater levels of learning and intensity. Creative lessons will be introduced as well as intriguing flipped lessons, web quests, articles, and fiction that enhances all classrooms. Ideas will be shared and employed perfectly. All grade levels and subjects welcome. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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An increasing amount of students are diagnosed with speech and language disorders. These disorders can affect a student’s ability to learn and socialize within the school setting. In this course you will learn the terms articulation disorder, fluency, apraxia, voice disorder, and selective mutism and how these disorders present in the classroom. You will learn strategies to use when working with speech impaired students. In addition, you will have an understanding of the impact these disorders have on the social and emotional well-being of our students. This class is part 1 of 2 classes. Both classes can be taken independently of each other. Recommended for ALL Educators! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service only

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Language is the human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication. Between 6 and 8 million people in the United States have language impairments. Language impairment in a student directly affects his academic performance and ability to socialize with peers. In this course, receptive language impairment, expressive language impairment, auditory processing disorder, and aphasia will be defined and discussed. Classroom strategies will be reviewed. In addition, the emotional effects of language impairment on school-age children will be analyzed. This class is the second class in the series. Part 1 is not a prerequisite for part 2. Both classes can be taken independently of each other. Recommended for ALL Educators! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service only

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light, circle, pointsStaples of Successful Engagement- Creating the Wow in Instruction

  Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – (3 Credits/45 Hours) – In-Service Credit Course Description: Engaging students in successful learning is an art. Keeping them directed and focused is contingent on many factors – all of which will be emphasized and articulated in this course. A myriad of content driven essential skills will be covered – including activities as predicting outcomes, empathy cards, affinity diagrams, common likes, as well as a plethora of creative and compelling take homes, all of which the developing individual needs in order to flourish. Students in all disciplines can benefit from the guided focus and essential content within the confines of the class.  **A must for K-12 educators in all disciplines!!!

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class, discussion, girlsStrategic Teaching Through Better Instruction Utilizing the Next Generation Standards

Course Description: This course will examine effective and strategic teaching methods to work utilizing the Next Generation Standards.  Educators will learn strategic methods towards being the Master Teacher you’ve always wanted to be.  Teachers will examine best practices for instruction to hone your skills on highly effective teaching.  You will see how to transform yourself from being a good teacher to being a great one using educational strategies and standards that work.  Educators will study methods on how to create high performing classrooms and building better instruction skills.  This course is a must for teachers of grades K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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people, human, group-3245739.jpgStrategies for Squashing School Violence

(3 credits/45 hours) – In-service credits 

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – 

Course Description: This course will provide an investigative stance on the topic of school violence and the ways in which educators, counselors, nurses, psychologists, and administrators can guide students to prevention. Educators will uncover the ways in which students can contribute to a healthy school environment free of bullying, student conflict, and dissention. Participants will evaluate their own classroom safety procedures, their abilities to intervene when necessary, and learn how they can play an active role in mitigating violence before it occurs. ** A must for K-12 educators**  

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english, english language, languageStrategies for the English Language Learner (ELL)

The number of English language learners (ELLs) in schools in the United States has increased dramatically. According to the National Center for Bilingual Education (NCBE), the number of English language learners has increased by 105%. This online course will teach you how to use the into/through/beyond approach for working with ELLs and special needs students. This is a proven effective model for working with ELLs. Participants in this course will be given English language development strategies such as scaffolding, schema building, and reformatting text. Formal and informal assessment methods will also be outlined. Additionally, the strategies mentioned are also effective strategies to use with ALL students, not just ESL students. This course is suitable for all educators, K-12, typical and special needs students. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service only

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teachers, meeting, booksStrength in Numbers – Balancing the Act of Cooperative Learning
*New Course*

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours Course Description: Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of cooperative learning in one’s classroom leads to effective classroom instruction. Raising student self-confidence and awareness, motivating them to learn, and implementing a myriad of strategies for cooperation is the key to success. Participants in the course will conduct their own cooperative learning assignments and engage their students in self-directed projects and lifelong routines. *A must for K-12 educators*

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pencil, red, chip-2878764.jpgStress and Student Learning


Course Description:

As educators we see first hand the effects of stress on our students.  We feel the effect it has on us.  This course will explore the consequences and effects of stress.  Stress is a common issue that does affect and will affect all of our students at some time.  Educators will learn how to identify individuals under stress or in stressful situations.  Participants will discuss what are the factors that cause stress most, and the different ways of coping with stress.  Teachers will discuss how to greatly improve your student’s mental and physical well being on a day-to-day basis. Teachers will learn strategies for helping students self-regulate, to manage moving from one class to another (transitional strategies), and reducing outside daily noise.  The importance mindsets will also be discussed.  This course is a must for all educators levels K-12.

(3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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class, discussion, girlsStudent Learning Objectives (SLOs): What Every Educator Needs to Know

The focus of this course will be to provide educators with an overview of the Student Learning Objective process or SLO. According to the NYS Department of Education, a Student Learning Objective is an academic goal for a teacher’s students that is set a the start of a course. SLOs are aligned to Common Core Standards and are used to measure student growth, as well as teacher effectiveness. In this course participants will research the purpose and benefits of the SLO process as well as the required components of SLOs. Participants will learn which educators are responsible for for writing SLOs and how these learning objectives factor into the teacher evaluation system (APPR). In addition, educators will have the opportunity to view and evaluate state provided model SLOs written by NYS educators, across all grade levels/content/specialty areas. Resources will be provided for educators to engage in a “how to” SLO writing process. As a culminating activity participants will write his/her own grade level/content area SLOs. This course will utilize a variety of resources such as videos, webinars, and articles from various websites including: htt::// Appropriate for all educators K-12, especially specialty area teachers. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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football, quarterback, sportStudent-Athletes: Making the Classroom Count

All too often, secondary students who participate in sports place athletics ahead of academics. Even parents sometimes over-emphasize the importance of making the varsity team, earning a starting position, or receiving an athletic scholarship. Where does school fit in? Students (and parents) need to recognize that academia is of the utmost importance. Teachers enrolled in this course will explore communicative and pedagogical strategies teachers and coaches can use to positively enforce the idea that “student” comes before “athlete” and to encourage the young men and women we teach and coach to work as hard in the classroom as they do on the field. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service only

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