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children studying, book, reading-670663.jpgHow Do Multiethnic Strategies Impact Learners and Enhance Literacy?

PDLI 9140Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –


Course Description:

Education that incorporates a multiethnic perspective recognizes children’s own frames of reference, ones that utilize ideas formed through the traditions of the students families and communities. It is a way of teaching that addresses issues of equity and commitment to social action. Teaching in a multiculturalism fashiopromotes academic excellence and social justice for all children. Helping children become critical thinkers and make connections in their learning is the essence of multicultural instruction, one that promotes democracy and recognizes that proactive engagement in students of all ages is the key to their success. 

In this course, participants will be instructed on the ways in which to infuse multiethnic strategies into students’ repertoires. Teachers will be able to create a successful classroom environment where culture is at the forefront, developing and maximizing responsibility, diversity, and cognitive growth in students throughout this course. They will explore various resources such as articles, interviews, readings, differentiated learning sites, lesson plans, and links to literary sites.  Additionally, they will research a variety of sources and decide which ones are engaging and fit into their curriculum.  Teachers will gain student centered ideas, lessons that differentiate, challenging ways to motivate students, current research on pedagogy, various interdisciplinary websites and Socratic seminars and philosophical rounds that take literacy and learning to a new level!

Goals and Objectives: Upon completion of the course, participants will be better prepared to:

• Understand the impact of culture in students’ learning
• Comprehend the respective ways in which teachers can transform their classrooms
• Design multicultural learning activities that challenge students 
• Create assessments and lessons for their classrooms
• Utilize character education within their classrooms
• Create instructional goals with the multicultural learner in mind

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book, read, lessonHow do the Multi-Ethnic Backgrounds of Students Impact Their Learning in Schools?

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – Students who enter the Long Island Public School system from foreign countries need to learn to assimilate into a very different culture. What do we as educations need to know about language, education, foods, customs, and discipline of the students entering our school system in order to promote success? A must for all educators K-12. (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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library, books, woman holding booksHow Proficient Readers Think: Utilizing Fiction and Non-fiction Sources to Master Cognitive Thinking

How do skillful readers think when they are reading subject-matter text? How do they formulate connections and interactions with texts? As teachers, we have these strategies in our own brains; they were never explicitly taught to us. Instead, during our mostly fortunate lives as children, students, and teachers to be, we gradually cobbled together this repertoire of cognitive thinking through our reading, story-telling, family literacy, school, and books. Unfortunately, many of our students do not come from these literate backgrounds. We need to demonstrate the strategies to them, explicit instruct them, and become more aware of what is occurring in their minds. This course will guide you through the seven core reading strategies that will assist students in developing their own internal cognitive repertoire. You will be provided with articles and activities that will assist your students in progressing further and succeeding in life. A must for all K-12 educators. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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How to Bring the Joy Back to Your Classroom
August 12-16th 

3 Credits – In service Course (45 Hours) Instructor: Kim Kittredge As educators, joy is something we strive to have in our classrooms daily.  When we feel happiness, we must embrace it and welcome it.  When we lose that feeling we yearn to have it back.  This course will help educators grasp on to those joyful moments with students and continue to keep our classroom positive all year long. Teachers will delve into joyful lessons, fun-filled activities and hands-on experiences that will keep that feeling of comfort in our classroom positive and satisfying.  This course will delve deep into how to rebuild relationships with students, brush off unhelpful criticism, and how to recharge for health and wellness.  Educators will build lessons on how to get your students outside more in nature and for daily exercise boosts. Participants will also learn techniques for incorporating art, music, and journaling in creative and positive ways. All with the common goal of resetting and reigniting joy and happiness and bringing it back to your classroom.  This course is a must for all educators of all grade levels and subjects K-12. 

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education, people, school-3189934.jpgHow to Conquer Behavior Challenges in Your Classroom

July 22nd-July 26th  2024

Summer 2024

Kim Kittredge

The challenging student will always be in your classroom, and teachers will always be looking for a way to deal with them.  In this course educators will be given strategies on how to deal with their most challenging students on a day-to-day basis.  Educators will be taught various skills on conquering behavioral challenges in and out of their classrooms.  Skills such as behavior interventions and management, behavior support, how to properly implement an IEP will be discussed.  Teachers will also learn the importance of social skills, modeling techniques, effective praise in the classroom and the importance of developing proper daily routines. Educators will also work on how to support and sustain proper relationships with parents of behavioral students.

This course is a must for all educators of all grades K-12.

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teacher, learning, school-4784917.jpgHow to Handle the Disruptive Student

  This course will focus on how to handle the disruptive student in your classroom from day one. Educators will discuss proper skills, techniques and strategies to work with students that act out and disrupt the classroom environment. Educators will share personal experience and strategies they use. Disruptive students are not just looking to misbehave, but may just need some extra attention. Teachers will discuss how giving these students some extra attention may lead to succeed and a calm classroom. This course is a must for all educators levels K-12. Instructor: Kim Kittredge 3 credits in service (45 hours)  

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class, discussion, girlsHow to Help your Students Be Independent Learners

Course Description: With all the virtual learning going on, how do we as educators help students learn independently?  This course will focus on how to facilitate lessons instead of teaching them as we have always done in the past.  With the world changing, we must too.  Students must independently create their own learning experiences, and become more active learners. It is our responsibility to teach them the skills to guide them through it.  Educators will learn how to encourage students to think creatively and take an independent and active role in their own learning.   Teachers will discuss how to first identify what it is to be an active learner, and then how to go beyond that.  Teachers will learn how to work with students to stretch their minds to the limits, help students manage time constraints, take effective notes and annotate, and be creative and organize their roles as learners on a daily basis.  This is a must for all educators of all disciplines K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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hands, raised, raised handsHow to Reconnect the Disconnected Learner

Course Description: Do your students feel or become disconnected?  Do they often lose the purpose of your lessons due to distractions?  Have they zoned out?  With all the time and effort you put into your lessons, it often seems that there are so many days we look out at our students’ faces only to see that they are somewhere else.  The connection has been lost.  This course offers ideas on how to reconnect your disconnected students and bring them back again. Educators will learn a variety of exciting strategies that will “connect” your students to your classroom lessons.  These strategies will not only activate engagement, but improve student learning all together.  This course is for educators levels K-12 of all subjects.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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english, english language, languageHow to Stay Refreshed in an ELA Driven World

All teachers have become ELA instructors. What are we to do? We need a way to stay calm and incorporate refreshing ideas into our classroom. Participants will learn how to maintain a semblance of creativity in a test driven world, while still raising our scores. All disciplines are welcome. K-12 course. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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google, search engine, browserHow to Use Google Sites in your Classroom

This course will provide vast knowledge on utilizing Google Sites in your classroom! Activities will include creating a fully functional website. Copyright and fair use laws will be examined as well as how to use copyright-friendly images and other tools available to ensure the creation of a class specific and highly functional website! Websites increase parent and student communication and are vital for productive instruction! We recommend this course for all staff and educators alike across all content areas and grade levels K-12. ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only

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people, child, school-316506.jpgI’ve got 99 problems…and Counting!: Math Problem Solving Strategies to get your K-12 Mathematicians Thinking Critically
New Class for SUMMER 2022

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-Service Credit only Instructor: Jessica Armbruster Course Description: When students are stuck with a math problem what do you want them to do? Students need exposure to multiple math problem solving solving strategies if we want them to utilize a variety of them when they are stuck. This course will explore different problem solving strategies that students in all age groups can utilize, including mental math and critical thinking approaches to problem solving. Teachers will be able to engage their students in all aspects of the problem solving process. Topics covered include categories of Problem Solving Strategies, Matching the strategy to the learner, and benefits of multiple strategy usage in the classroom. This course welcomes educators of grades K-12!

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notebook, pen, pencil-1198156.jpgIcebreakers, Do Nows and Wrap Up Activities for Great Lessons
August 19-23rd 

3 Credits – In service Course (45 Hours) Instructor: Kim Kittredge Icebreakers, Do-Now and Wrap Ups are the heart of a great lesson.  As educators, we strive to bring the lesson in with a bang, get the kids thinking and focusing, and then, if successful, wrap it all up.  Participants in this course will explore strategies and techniques for fabulous brain games and icebreakers that can be used for any subject and grade level.  Educators will work on building do nows with purpose and power to get lessons going.  Teachers will also learn the art of wrapping up any lesson with such strategies as creative closures, exit tickets, summaries and reflections. As teachers we are always trying to find the best way to get our students in and out of lessons with ease, and this course will be a toolbox of activities to guide you along the way. This course is a must for all educators of all grade levels and subjects K-12. 

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hands, raised, raised handsIgniting the Fire in our Students
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire” – William Butler Yeats

A teacher that ignites the fire in his/her students and fuels their thirst for knowledge and curiosity is the key to success. In this course, teachers will learn to inspire students, motivate them, impact their learning. They will be able to fuel the passion and engage their students through creative activities and ideas. A myriad of techniques and strategies will be explored as well as collaborative means and activities to fully engage learners. A conflagration of ideas shall ignite within all! A must for K-12 Educators!!!!! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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teacher, property, plantImmediate Engagement: The Purposeful “Do Now”
Forty (or so) minutes go by quite quickly. By the time we get our students seated, take attendance, check homework, explain the objective, and start the lesson, our allotment of time has dwindled considerably. Also considering how often our students are taken out of our classes because of field trips, visits to the nurse, or other various reasons, the clock often seems to be on fast forward. Essentially, we want to get the most out of our class periods. Teachers enrolled in this course will explore the possibilities, variations, and applications of the infamous “Do Now” as a means of engaging students immediately and getting the most out our (and their) time.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-Service Credit only

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bully, harassment, workplace-3233568.jpgImplicit Bias in Education

*New Course

Dates: February Break 2024, February 19th-23rd

Course Description:

Implicit bias refers to unconscious attitudes, reactions, stereotypes, and categories that affect behavior and understanding.  In education, implicit bias often refers to unconscious racial and socioeconomic bias toward students.  This course will explore what implicit bias is, and how we as educators can reduce the effects of it in our schools.  We will discuss the consequences of implicit bias and how it affects individuals in different ways.  Educators will discover the roots of implicit bias and participants will discuss how to move away from theses attitudes and stereotypes.  Teachers will also discuss that with understanding and attitude change comes improved behaviors.  Implicit bias scenarios will be posed for deep discussion.  This course is a must for all educators levels K-12.

Instructor:  Kim Kittredge

3 credits – In service Course (45 Hours); online or in-person

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storytelling, fantasy, imaginationImproving Adolescent Literacy Skills
According to recent reports from the National Council of Teachers of English, approximately half of high school graduates lack the reading skills needed to pass first-year college courses, and only 59 percent of the students tested were considered ready for college level work. Equally alarming, the National Assessment of Educational Progress reported that 70 percent of middle and high school students score below the proficiency level in reading achievement. The lack of improvement in literacy achievement has many negative implications for the nation’s economy and ability to compete globally. To be competitive in the current job market, American youth have to possess far more advanced literacy skills than those required of any previous generation.

The first portion of this course will examine the recent studies and statistics of current trends regarding adolescent literacy. Participants will research federal policy for improving the performance of adolescents. The second part of this class will focus on reading interventions for adolescent learners. Participants will study the philosophy, implementation, and effectiveness of various reading intervention programs including: Reciprocal Teaching, Strategic Instruction Model, Accelerated Reader, Corrective Reading , Fast ForWord, Read 180, etc. In addition, this course will provide numerous reading strategies and interventions to use with adolescent students before, during, and after reading. Some of the strategies/interventions featured in this course include: anticipation guides, the Frayer Model, Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA), Selective Highlighting, Survey-Question-Read-Recite-Review (SQ3R), Exit Slips, Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) and many more! With the resources and information provided in this course, teachers will be able to create dynamic lessons which help foster student success. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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smartphone, app, newsImproving Communication with Parents and Students through Technology

Students will learn various methods to increase and improve communication with families and students by multiple means of technology. These methods will increase communication and decrease the stressors related to the lack of time and resources to always make phone calls. Improving communication is not only necessary but required as a part of teachers’ annual performance reviews which culminate each year. The applications and websites we will explore and implement will increase communication as well as improve student productivity with a strong student-parent-teacher connection. Recommended for all Educators K – 12. ON-LINE (3credits/45hours) In-service credit only

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hands, raised, raised handsIncorporating Academic Competitions to Improve Learning Outcomes
Academic Competitions can help motivate students to follow their passions and achieve success. Local, national, and international competitions related to English-Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies provide effective opportunities for student recognition. Participants in this course will learn about different competitions, contests, and programs that celebrate academic accomplishments. Connections will be made to the standards and curriculum. This course is suitable for all educators, K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-service credit only

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new, paper, newspaperIncorporating Current Events into Classroom Instruction
Current Events can be integrated into all subject-areas and within all grade levels. This course will take an in-depth look into how current events can be a part of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Special Areas. Specifically, course participants will learn about instructional resources such as NewseumEd and a Journalist’s Resource, along with the importance of news literacy. Participants will discover ways to integrate Current Events into their curriculums on a daily basis, while continuing to meet the educational standards set forth. This course is suitable for all educators, K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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pen, school, notesIncreasing Academic Success for Every Student
Setting up a classroom that has an atmosphere of cooperation and consideration is crucial for students today. Effective communication is necessary for both teachers and students to be successful. In this course, teachers will:

• Study effective test-taking strategies • Comprehend the ways to improve standardized test scores • Learn the ways to creatively implement activities into the classroom • Understand how to motivate students intrinsically • Help students recognize their inner potential • Address a myriad of student needs and perspectives • Connect the impact of reading and writing across the content areas • Complete research on academic success in the classroom • Envision alternatives for their students Overall, teachers will emerge with a plethora of insight and information that will increase their students’ love of the subject matter! ***A must for all K-12 teachers! ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-Service Credit only

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teacher, learning, school-4784917.jpgIncreasing Rigor and Productivity in Your Students

July 29th-August 2nd 2024

Summer 2024

Kim Kittredge

How can teachers increase rigor and productivity in the classroom? This course is designed to arm educators with a multitude of skills to increase rigor and make your students become the motivated individuals you wish them to be.  Participants in the course will be given a multitude of materials and strategies to help their students become more productive. Through hands-on activities, group work, SEL learning, computer-based games and technology and differentiated instruction to name a few, your students will thrive.   Students who didn’t think they had it in them will break the barriers and understand that rigor is not “hard” it’s just a tiny bit uncomfortable; but the benefits are powerful!

This course is a must for all educators of all grades K-12.

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pen, school, notesIncreasing the Rigor in One’s Classroom, One Step at a Time
Achieving the optimum level of student productivity is at the core of one’s teaching. Providing students with assessments, choices in their curriculum, and differentiation is the key to their success. Adding rigor to students’ curriculum is essential in the common core era. In this course, participants will learn how to develop target -centered homework, prepare students for the mandates of the standards, advance students’ vocabularies, produce lessons and implement strategies for our learners. The rigor will be increased dramatically! A must for K-12 educators!!!!

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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mobile phone, smartphone, appInnovative Practices In Education
The course is designed to enhance the knowledge base for professionals in an era of school restructuring, technological innovation, and social change. Teachers and administrators will learn first-hand about innovative practices and recent research in the field. Topics include: student self-assessment, teacher reflection, cooperative learning, mentoring, the use of technology in schools, home-school communication, inclusion to support learning diversity, and the challenge of school restructuring. Areas covered are: Learning Theory, Curriculum Design, Classroom Atmosphere, and Instructional Strategies among others. This course also covers the dilemma children face who are experiencing difficulty in learning situations because of ethnic group frustrations in the community, problems of social adjustment, socio-economic inequities, and learning gaps. The role of the school in facilitating the program for children of various cultures to become valued members of the community is discussed. Activities, content, and materials are related to current and relevant frameworks and standards. Recommended for all instructors K – 12.

Course Purpose: The direct aim of this course is to add to personal professionalism as an educator by becoming more attentive to current issues in schools today and by being informed of some of the choices available to empower teachers in their own classrooms, including theories, methods, strategies, techniques, and ways to differentiate instruction to further aid student achievement. ON-LINE (3 Credits – 45 Hours) In-service Credit only

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chemistry, baby, experiment-5632654.jpgInnovative Projects and Experiential Learning and Assessments
**New Course**

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours July 8-12th, 2024 East Meadow Location – 8-5pm Course Description: Hands-on, experimental learning is the wave of the future for educators, coaches, directors, and administrators alike. Developing driving questions for students enables them to utilize critical thinking skills and enhance their learning tremendously. The course will center around summative and formative assessments for learning, showcase lessons for discussion, PBL techniques, inquiry-based analysis and many more innovative concepts. Participants will be able to guide their learners perfectly. All disciplines and grade levels welcome. *A must for K-12 educators*

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teaching, child, worldInstructional Planning for Strategic Teaching
This course is designed to provide educators with instructional strategies and apply it to meet the needs of all students grades K-12. Emphasis will be placed on how to effectively design your lessons, how to evaluate your curriculum, distinguish between learning styles, and how to provide instruction that enhances and improves academic performance for all students. This course examines how all these concepts combined serve as the basic design of curriculum and instruction overall. Educators will discuss proper planning of the core concepts, essential questions, how to use metacognitive reading strategies, background knowledge, and scaffolding, in order to lead to a successful classroom environment. Additional applications introduced in this course include rubrics, graphic organizers, vocabulary strategies, peer tutoring, note-taking, paraphrasing, summarizing (with the use of 10% summary), reciprocal teaching, and questioning. Educators will learn practices in this course that relate to district-wide teacher evaluations, the New York State Teaching Standards, and the Common Core Standards. Participants will also discover how to engage students, deepen their understanding of context, and prepare them for success beyond the classroom.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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child, soccer, playingIntegrating Sports Themes into the Curriculum
Students of all ages look at sports as a main hobby and source of entertainment outside of school. This course focuses on learning in relation to youth, amateur, and professional athletics. Participants will create projects, lessons, and activities that will tie sporting events to English-Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Participants will develop curriculum-based assignments for their classroom, with a special emphasis on sports leagues, teams, and athletes. Students will make connections between what is happening in and outside of the classroom. This course is suitable for all educators, K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) In-service only

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Interactive Modeling
Taken from, “Interactive Modeling is a straightforward, quickly paced process that’s effective for teaching children any academic or social skill, routine, or procedure that you want them to do in a specific way (whether for safety, efficiency, or other reasons). One of the essential practices of the Responsive Classroom approach to teaching elementary school children, Interactive Modeling can be used by any adult anywhere in school at any time of year.” Teachers will learn the steps for Interactive Modeling, strategies for success, ideas for where to use in your lessons and routines. Applicable for teachers K-12. 

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classroom, school, educationInvesting in Student Success – Navigating Cohesive Learning in 2021

Course Description – Revitalizing our classrooms is the ticket to students’ success. Having the skills necessary to invigorate our learners and capture their learning styles is tantamount. In this course, teachers will have the opportunity to glean a depth of understanding regarding the nature of the adolescent and the ways in which their learning is impacted by many factors. Teachers will be instructed on a plethora of learning styles and models that gear instruction to individuals perfectly. A must for all K-12 educators!!!!

(3 credits/45 hours) – In-Service Credit

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english, english language, languageJust Arrived: High School – How to Support High-School Aged Students Who are New to the Country

Janna Florio

Online Course – 3 credits / 45 hours – In-Service Credit Only

Applicable to High School Teachers & Department Coordinators/Chairs

Description:Being a student in high school is tough; being a teacher of high school students is tough; however, surviving high school as a newcomer to the country could feel almost impossible. Combined with the harrowing experiences they suffer during their immigration journeys, adolescent ELLs are also faced with the stresses that plague the majority of all other high-schoolers. From high-stakes testing to mental health concerns, students within this age bracket hold a lot of weight on their shoulders. Past trauma, feelings of isolation, displacement from family, and the challenges of learning a new culture and language only exacerbate these issues for immigrant and migrant students. In this course, you will learn about the struggles these students face, the challenges they must overcome, and what schools might be able to do to support them.

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teachers, meeting, booksKaleidoscope – A Cross-Cultural Approach for the Primary and Secondary Classroom

Having students become knowledgeable citizens of the world through cultural experiences enables them to become reflective thinkers and critical learners. Viewing one’s culture as tantamount to the learning experience is critical for both students and teachers alike. Kaleidoscope is the process of putting into place a multicultural way of thinking and teaching that can be implemented by all teachers. Teachers will be provided with a theoretical framework, bridging theory and practices via exercises, discussion, scenarios, teaching materials, and language acquisition. In the end, a recipe for engagement will occur. *A must for K-12 Educators!!!!! ONLINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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children playing, playground, childrenKeeping Our Students and Schools Safe
School violence can be prevented. Research shows that prevention efforts – by teachers, administrators, parents, community members, and even students – can reduce violence and improve the overall school environment. No one factor in isolation causes school violence, so stopping school violence involves using multiple prevention strategies that address the many individual, relationship, community, and societal factors that influence the likelihood of violence. Prevention efforts should ultimately reduce risk factors and promote protective factors at these multiple levels of influence.

COURSE OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of the class students will be able to: ● Create school wide prevention and intervention strategies. ● Develop emergency response planning. ● Develop school policies and understanding legal considerations. ● Create a positive school climate and culture. ● Implement ongoing staff development. ● Ensuring quality facilities and technology. ● Foster school/law enforcement partnerships. ● Institute links with mental health/social services. ● Foster family and community involvement. ON-LINE (3 Credits – 45 Hours) In-service Credit only

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PlaceholderKinesthetic Learning – Working Our Minds and Bodies
*New Course*

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – In-service Course – 3 Credits / 45 Hours June 27th – July 3rd East Meadow Location: 8:00-5:00pm Course Description: Educating today’s students in a tactile, active fashion improves a wealth of critical and analytical thinking skills. Kinesthetic learners retain information more effectively, become active rather than passive participants in learning, and are able to acquire a wealth of information more expeditiously than their peers. This course will train teachers to find ways to assist students in their work ethic and their problem-solving techniques. Topics being addressed include hands-on simulations, animations, role-playing exercises, micro-learning lessons. A multitude of benefits arise when kinesthetic learning is at the forefront! *A must for K-12 educators!!!!

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students, classroom, to learn-377789.jpgKnowledge Matters
(45 hours/3 credits)  In service course only Instructor:  Jessica Uebel Course Description: “Reading Comprehension Revisited” is a podcast by Natalie Wexler. This podcast dives into the history of how teachers taught reading comprehension. It shares the research that shows how students comprehend. Similar to “Sold a Story”, this is an expose that brings awareness to the importance of how children learn to read-how they comprehend what they are reading. In this course teachers of all grades (K-12) will learn the history of how and why schools chose the programs and methods they did to teach reading comprehension. We will explore the current practice that is on trend-The Knowledge Matters Campaign. Teachers will explore and engage in discovering the role of knowledge-building in the classroom. Teachers will share and reflect on their own methodologies, research programs,and design lessons and activities.
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kid, study, book-3326960.jpgLanguage and Literacy”- Balancing Strategies for Everyday Learners

(3 credits/45 hours) In-service credits 

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – 

Course Description: This course analyzes the everyday domains of language and literacy. Understanding how language and literacy are intertwined and developing the skills necessary for students is crucial for everyday communication. Providing this connection for our learners in all disciplines enhances their success and guides them in their achievement. Participants will be provided with a medley of activities and strategies that strengthen students’ cognitive learning including read-alouds, vocabulary acquisition, word games, and manipulatives.  A Must for K-12 educators!!!! 

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mental health, brain, mindLearning Disabilities/Strategies to Help Guide the Learning Disabled Student to Success

Research continues to confirm that we can teach students with learning disabilities to “learn how to learn.” We can put them into a position to understand and value their own education. Because everyone learns differently, helping children reach their maximum potential should be the goal in every classroom. A variety of tips and tools have been developed throughout this course to help both teachers and parents provide the most supportive and successful learning environment. This course will provide a wealth of information and a comprehensive overview of evidence-based remediation and accommodation teaching strategies. This course will include: the visible signs of learning disorders; effective teaching and accommodation strategies; most recent technology, diagnostic criteria; and self-esteem. This course applies to all Educators K-12. NOTE: This is a separate and independent course from ABC’s of Learning Disabilities and Beyond – Resources for Educators . This course was designed to provide additonal information and direction beyond the ABC’s course. ON-LINE (3 Credits / 45 hours) in-service credit only  

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teacher, learning, school-4784917.jpgLegendary Lessons That Resonate with Learners
**New Course**

Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia – In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours May 13,14,15,16,17,20,21,22,23,28th 2024 East Meadow Location – 4:15-8:45pm Course Description: Life Lessons are learned in a plethora of ways. Students glean motivation and desire success when inspirational ideas are presented to them. This course will focus on a wealth of disciplines and a variety of insightful topics that encapsulate creativity and enable students to reach for the stars. Lessons from a variety of different modalities will be covered, including English, Social Studies, Math, and Science, as well as innovative techniques, all of which strengthen students’ skills and nurture their inner beings. *A must for K-12 educators*

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chemistry, baby, experiment-5632654.jpgLet Curiosity Lead the Way: Learning through Exploration and Hands-On Activities
August 26-30th 

3 Credits – In service Course (45 Hours) Instructor: Kim Kittredge As educators we want all our students to be curious, questionable and seek adventure through learning.  This course will lead educators to take a different teaching route with their students. Critical thinking and thought-provoking techniques will be shared. Hands-on, and experiential learning, critical thing techniques and more will be explored.  Since this type of “learning through exploration” is the wave of the future, educators, coaches, directors, and administrators will all benefit from the techniques shared in this course.  Teachers will learn to utilize driving questions for students that will help them enhance their learning tremendously. The course will also center around deep discussion, PBL techniques, inquiry-based analysis and many more innovative concepts. This course is a must for all subjects and grade levels K-12. 

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read, education, booksLiteracy and Comprehension in Schools

Course Description: This course will examine how we as educators work on literacy, literacy programs, and literacy techniques with our students.  Educators will develop classroom literacy and comprehension programs to work with the population of students you have in your classrooms.  Participants will learn effective and strategic literacy methods such as fluency and phonics, and will transform your classroom within a matter of weeks.  A classroom where comprehension builds literacy perfection, is one that any educator strivers for. This course is a must for teachers of grades K-12 of all levels.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge

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storytelling, fantasy, imaginationLiteracy and Learning: How to Succeed Utilizing Next Generation Standards
Spring 2024: April: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17 & 18

Course Description: In order for our students to develop better, more sophisticated literacy skills to succeed, they need to work hard to meet the demands around them. Literacy is more than just learning how to read, it is writing skills, speaking skills, solving problem, and beyond. In this course, educators in will develop and share tools and activities to strengthen their students’ literacy skills and help them succeed utilizing the new Next Generation Standards. This is a must for all teachers of all disciplines and subject areas K-12.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
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library, books, woman holding booksLiterary Success in the K-12 Classroom

CCSS ELA-Literacy. RL5.1 – Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. CCSS ELA- Literacy. RL 2.6 – Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud Course Description: Creating a balanced literacy program in one’s classroom is tantamount to student success. In this course, participants will be introduced to a medley of literary forms and techniques that will ensure student success. Topics include: author study, literature circles, poetry analysis, RAFT writing, non-fiction and fiction sources, newspaper and magazines, vocabulary study, arguments, etc… Assignments include: raising the proficiency bar, determining and clarifying meaning in texts, distinguishing between text types. In the end your classroom will be infused with literate individuals!!!! Participants will be introduced to a medley of literary techniques. They will be able to comprehend, organize, and orchestrate a balanced literacy program within the confines of their classroom. They will also be able to walk away with a wide array of material for their literate classrooms. a. Participants will be able to implement a balanced literacy program in their classrooms b. Participants will be able to glean the knowledge of experts in their field and develop writing assignments for their students c. Participants will be able to acquire a medley of non-fiction and fiction assignments (common core driven) for their classrooms. ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only

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