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Increasing Rigor and Productivity in Your Students

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

July 29th-August 2nd 2024

Summer 2024

Kim Kittredge

How can teachers increase rigor and productivity in the classroom? This course is designed to arm educators with a multitude of skills to increase rigor and make your students become the motivated individuals you wish them to be.  Participants in the course will be given a multitude of materials and strategies to help their students become more productive. Through hands-on activities, group work, SEL learning, computer-based games and technology and differentiated instruction to name a few, your students will thrive.   Students who didn’t think they had it in them will break the barriers and understand that rigor is not “hard” it’s just a tiny bit uncomfortable; but the benefits are powerful!

This course is a must for all educators of all grades K-12.


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Kim Kittredge
