Summer 2024 Session
SUMMER 2024 DATES: 6/26/24 – 9/8/24
The Long Island Institute of Professional Studies Registration Form
Click Here for Full List ONLINE COURSES for all session dates listed below
Session I 7/1 – 8/1/24
Session II 7/3 – 8/3/24
Session III 7/5 – 8/5/24
Session IV 7/8 – 8/8/24
Session V 7/10 – 8/10/24
Session VI 7/12 – 8/12/24
Session VII 7/15 – 8/15/24
Session VIII 7/17 – 8/17/24
Session IX 7/19 – 8/19/24
Session X 7/22 – 8/22/24
Session XI 7/24 – 8/24/24
Session XII 7/24 – 8/24/23
Session XIII 7/26 – 8/26/24
Session XIV 7/29 – 8/29/24
Session XVI 8/2 -9/2/24
Session XVII 8/9 – 9/9/24
Session XVIII 8/12 – 9/12/24 ** Summer class but last day ends in Fall session
Session XIX 8/14 – 9/14/24 ** Summer class but last day ends in Fall session
Session XX 8/16 – 9/16/24 * Summer class but last day ends in Fall session
Session XXI 8/19 – 9/19/24 * Summer class but last day ends in Fall session
Session XXII 8/21 – 9/21/24 * Summer class but last day ends in Fall session
Session XXIII 8/23 – 9/23/24 * Summer class but last day ends in Fall Session
Session XIX 8/26 – 9/26/24 * Summer but last day ends in Fall Session
Session XX 8/28 – 9/28/24 * Summer but last day ends in Fall Session
Session XXI 8/30 – 9/30/24 * Summer but last day ends in Fall Session
Session XXII 9/2 – 10/2/24 * Summer but last day ends in Fall Session
Session XXIII 9/5 – 10/5/24 * Summer but last day ends in Fall
Session A 7/1 – 7/6/24
Session B 7/8 – 7/12/24
Session C 7/15 – 7/19/24
Session D 7/22 – 7/26/24
Session E 7/29 – 8/2/24
Session F 8/5 – 8/9/24
Session G 8/12 – 8/16/24
Session H 8/19 – 8/23/24
Session I 8/26 – 8/30/24
Session J 9/2 – 9/6/24
Session 1 7/1 – 7/15/24
Session 2 7/5 – 7/19/24
Session 3 7/8 – 7/22/24
Session 4 7/12 – 7/26/24
Session 5 7/17 – 7/31/24
Session 6 7/24 – 8/7/24
Session 7 7/31 – 8/14/24
Session 8 8/7 – 8/21/24
Session 9 8/14 – 8/28/24
Session 10 8/21 – 9/4/24
Session 11 8/23 – 9/6/24
Session 12 8/28 – 9/11/24 * Summer but last day ends in Fall Session
Session 13 8/30 – 9/13/24 * Summer but last day ends in Fall Session
Session 14 9/4 – 9/18/24 * Summer but last day ends in Fall Session
Session 15 9/6 – 9/20/24 * Summer but last day ends in Fall session
Summer 2024 In-Person Courses
Creating a Journaling Routine for All Students and Teachers
June 27th-July 3rd
(3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
Course description:
Journaling has always been a way to express your thoughts and get your ideas out. It has also been a way to milestone important events, record everyday happenings, or just let our your innermost feelings. As educators, we have the opportunity to use journaling to our benefit on a daily basis. In this course, educators will discuss the importance of journaling and the benefits of journaling in all subject areas. We will discuss how to begin a daily journaling routine for both students and teachers. This routine can work for all students and educators and can be used as an emotional tool. Journaling can be used to treat anxiety, depression, and help affect us in many positive ways. Educators will discuss a variety of strategies from the fact “that there’s no right way to journal”, to “how to keep on journaling.” Teachers will discuss the benefits of handwritten journaling vs. digital journaling. Strategies such free writing, timed writing and the 1-minute journal strategy will be explored. Participants will receive a series of journal prompts, ideas and samples to be used for any subject areas and to model in their classrooms. This course is a must for all educators of all subjects and grade levels K-12.
Kinesthetic Learning – Working Our Minds and Bodies
*New Course*
Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –
In-service Course – 3 Credits / 45 Hours
June 27th – July 3rd
East Meadow Location: 8:00-5:00pm
Course Description: Educating today’s students in a tactile, active fashion improves a wealth of critical and analytical thinking skills. Kinesthetic learners retain information more effectively, become active rather than passive participants in learning, and are able to acquire a wealth of information more expeditiously than their peers. This course will train teachers to find ways to assist students in their work ethic and their problem-solving techniques. Topics being addressed include hands-on simulations, animations, role-playing exercises, micro-learning lessons. A multitude of benefits arise when kinesthetic learning is at the forefront!
*A must for K-12 educators!!!!
Innovative Projects and Experiential Learning and Assessments
**New Course**
Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –
In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours
July 8-12th, 2024
East Meadow Location – 8-5pm
Course Description:
Hands-on, experimental learning is the wave of the future for educators, coaches, directors, and administrators alike. Developing driving questions for students enables them to utilize critical thinking skills and enhance their learning tremendously. The course will center around summative and formative assessments for learning, showcase lessons for discussion, PBL techniques, inquiry-based analysis and many more innovative concepts. Participants will be able to guide their learners perfectly. All disciplines and grade levels welcome.
*A must for K-12 educators*
Teach Like You’re a Pro: Tips and Tricks for the New(ish) and New(er) Educator
Kim Kittredge
July 8th-12th
Summer 2024
Are you a new(ish) or new(er) teacher looking for the tips and tricks to help you teach like a pro? Well, then this course can help you get started. This course is designed to provide newer educators with skills and strategies that are practical and useful and will help you do well in your role as a new or new(ish) educator. You will be given suggestions for effective lesson planning, how to provide differentiated instruction and how to increase student motivation and engagement. Teachers will be introduced to effective management techniques, growth mindset lessons and how to have effective parent/teacher relationships. Teachers will end this course with a multitude of strategies that create a positive learning environment that enhances student learning overall. This course is a must for educators of all grades and levels K-12.
Creating Conversations For Change – Sparking Social Activism in Children and Teens – Ways to Ignite the Fire in Your Classroom
**New Course**
Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –
In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours
July 15-19th, 2024
East Meadow Location – 8-5pm
Course Description:
Activating social awareness in students is tantamount. Encouraging exploration of varying perspectives and creating an atmosphere of critical thinking paves the path for student success. This course will instruct participants on the ways in which engagement can enhance their already existing curriculum. The course will focus on student needs, meaningful discussions, exploration of viewpoints, dialectic journals, critical analysis, visionary components, etc..
*A must for K-12 educators*
Recipe for Success: Teaching Reading and Writing
Kim Kittredge
July 15th –19th
Summer 2024
Do you ever wonder what some of the ingredients are that go into the successful teaching of reading and writing? Both reading and writing comprehension are both complex processes that require lots of effort and various skills. Some of these skills are often completely neglected while a child follows traditional teaching methods. As a result, reading and writing often become a cause for a student’s anxiety and frustration. In this course educators will be given new, innovative and fun techniques for reading and writing teaching methods. From journaling, to writing projects, to guided reading, or reading with purpose, educators will find the tools to create the perfect recipe for their students to be successful. By the end of this course teachers will be armed with enough “food for thought” to help them be the best teachers of reading and writing they can be.
This course is a must for educators of all grades and levels K-12.
How to Conquer Behavior Challenges in Your Classroom
July 22nd-July 26th 2024
Summer 2024
Kim Kittredge
The challenging student will always be in your classroom, and teachers will always be looking for a way to deal with them. In this course educators will be given strategies on how to deal with their most challenging students on a day-to-day basis. Educators will be taught various skills on conquering behavioral challenges in and out of their classrooms. Skills such as behavior interventions and management, behavior support, how to properly implement an IEP will be discussed. Teachers will also learn the importance of social skills, modeling techniques, effective praise in the classroom and the importance of developing proper daily routines. Educators will also work on how to support and sustain proper relationships with parents of behavioral students.
This course is a must for all educators of all grades K-12.
When You Thought I Wasn’t Looking – SEL Techniques for K-12 Teachers
**New Course**
Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –
In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours
July 22-26th, 2024
East Meadow Location – 8-5pm
Course Description:
Teaching students responsibility and accountability extends way beyond the home. Providing life lessons and inspirational, profound imprints on kids guides them for the rest of their lives. This course will tackle the ways in which teachers can provide a plethora of Social Emotional Instructions for their students. Topics as mindfulness, emotion management, positive affirmations, read aloud, collaborative discussions, empathy, and nurturing the whole learner will be discussed. Poetry and learning in all disciplines will be covered.
*A must for K-12 educators*
Engaging Deeply with Complex Text
**New Course**
Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –
In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours
July 29 – August 2nd, 2024
East Meadow Location – 8-5pm
Course Description:
Literacy is incorporated into every discipline. Students must be able to read, comprehend, and analyze both simple and complex texts in order to achieve success. This course will present a plethora of fiction and non-fiction readings that will guide participants and allow them to inculcate a wealth of strategies into their repertoires – including vocabulary strategies, decoding information, metacognition, pedagogical scaffolds, small academic groups, and a wealth of textual graphic organizers in every discipline. An influx of strategies will be brought to the forefront and ready utilize.
*A must for K-12 educators*
Increasing Rigor and Productivity in Your Students
July 29th-August 2nd 2024
Summer 2024
Kim Kittredge
How can teachers increase rigor and productivity in the classroom? This course is designed to arm educators with a multitude of skills to increase rigor and make your students become the motivated individuals you wish them to be. Participants in the course will be given a multitude of materials and strategies to help their students become more productive. Through hands-on activities, group work, SEL learning, computer-based games and technology and differentiated instruction to name a few, your students will thrive. Students who didn’t think they had it in them will break the barriers and understand that rigor is not “hard” it’s just a tiny bit uncomfortable; but the benefits are powerful!
This course is a must for all educators of all grades K-12.
Don’t Forget to Breathe – Grappling with Gregarious Learners in the K-12 Classroom
**New Course**
Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –
In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours
August 5-9th, 2024
East Meadow Location – 8-5pm
Course Description:
Creating strategies for and utilizing our gregarious students’ sociality within the confines of the classroom is an art form. This course will enable participants to comprehend the behaviors behind their most loquacious individuals and harness their individual strengths. Finding the means to allow learners to enthusiastically express their ideas and feel comfortable in their skin is akin to good teaching. A wealth of ideas and strategies will be presented for teachers to immediately utilize in their classes!
*A must for K-12 educators*
My Environment, My School: Think Green, Act Green!
August 5th – August 9th 2024
Summer 2024
Ways to save the environment are all around us. So, how do we share this with our students, our classroom, our school community? This course is designed to offer educators insight into creating the most environmentally friendly spaces. Educators will be offered strategies for their classrooms and lessons for their students to help them be more environmentally conscious. Teachers will be able to make healthier choices for their students, their classrooms, and school community which will help them and our planet. This course will analyze the effect of the daily choices we make, technological advances, gardening energy consumption, global warming and the effect of pollution and agriculture. Students will examine these choices and their effects on our worldwide ecosystem. Additionally, students will be asked to examine their own behaviors and actions and find a way to make better choices for themselves, their school community and their world.
This course is a must for all educators of all grades K-12.
Equipping Leaders with the Tools to Succeed – Formulating Empowering Strategies within the K-12 Classroom
**New Course**
Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –
In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours
August 12-16th, 2024
East Meadow Location – 8-5pm
Course Description:
Facilitating the means for students to become leaders and succeed significantly in any classroom must be the role of all teachers. Acknowledging student strengths, providing ownership, encouraging their potentialities, all falls within the confines of the course. Participants will learn to create a vision for their students, empower them through effective coaching and feedback, and guide them with training, tools, and time. A wealth of strategies will be rendered and the means for implementing them full addressed.
*A must for K-12 educators*
How to Bring the Joy Back to Your Classroom
August 12-16th
3 Credits – In service Course (45 Hours)
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
As educators, joy is something we strive to have in our classrooms daily. When we feel happiness, we must embrace it and welcome it. When we lose that feeling we yearn to have it back. This course will help educators grasp on to those joyful moments with students and continue to keep our classroom positive all year long. Teachers will delve into joyful lessons, fun-filled activities and hands-on experiences that will keep that feeling of comfort in our classroom positive and satisfying. This course will delve deep into how to rebuild relationships with students, brush off unhelpful criticism, and how to recharge for health and wellness. Educators will build lessons on how to get your students outside more in nature and for daily exercise boosts. Participants will also learn techniques for incorporating art, music, and journaling in creative and positive ways. All with the common goal of resetting and reigniting joy and happiness and bringing it back to your classroom. This course is a must for all educators of all grade levels and subjects K-12.
Icebreakers, Do Nows and Wrap Up Activities for Great Lessons
August 19-23rd
3 Credits – In service Course (45 Hours)
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
Icebreakers, Do-Now and Wrap Ups are the heart of a great lesson. As educators, we strive to bring the lesson in with a bang, get the kids thinking and focusing, and then, if successful, wrap it all up. Participants in this course will explore strategies and techniques for fabulous brain games and icebreakers that can be used for any subject and grade level. Educators will work on building do nows with purpose and power to get lessons going. Teachers will also learn the art of wrapping up any lesson with such strategies as creative closures, exit tickets, summaries and reflections. As teachers we are always trying to find the best way to get our students in and out of lessons with ease, and this course will be a toolbox of activities to guide you along the way. This course is a must for all educators of all grade levels and subjects K-12.
Robust Rapport within the K-12 Classroom – Empowering Individuals for Change
**New Course**
Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –
In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours
August 19-23rd, 2024
East Meadow Location – 8-5pm
Course Description:
Establishing a meaningful rapport with learners is tantamount for teachers. Encouraging students to get to know one another is crucial. This course will demonstrate the ways in which teachers can create rapport with their learners. Activities include – showing a sense of humor, encouraging class discussion, sharing personal insights and experiences, developing long and short-term aspirations. Participants will comprehend the multitude of ways in which rapport improves student motivation, feedback, student learning, and communication.
*A must for K-12 educators*
Let Curiosity Lead the Way: Learning through Exploration and Hands-On Activities
August 26-30th
3 Credits – In service Course (45 Hours)
Instructor: Kim Kittredge
As educators we want all our students to be curious, questionable and seek adventure through learning. This course will lead educators to take a different teaching route with their students. Critical thinking and thought-provoking techniques will be shared. Hands-on, and experiential learning, critical thing techniques and more will be explored. Since this type of “learning through exploration” is the wave of the future, educators, coaches, directors, and administrators will all benefit from the techniques shared in this course. Teachers will learn to utilize driving questions for students that will help them enhance their learning tremendously. The course will also center around deep discussion, PBL techniques, inquiry-based analysis and many more innovative concepts. This course is a must for all subjects and grade levels K-12.
Pulchritudinous Patricia Petered Out After Plummeting Down the Plain – Alliteration and other Literary Elements Made Fun
**New Course**
Instructor: Gayle Meinkes-Lumia –
In-Service Course – 3 Credits – 45 Hours
August 26-30th, 2024
East Meadow Location – 8-5pm
Course Description:
Grammer and Literary Elements tend to go by the wayside in today’s classrooms. Students must have the literary foundation in order to be more efficient readers and writers. This course will demonstrate to participants that grammar and literary elements can be fun and fundamental! Teachers will glean a wealth of ideas to enhance their classrooms and make their students extremely savvy with the foundations of English. Topics include grammar a go-go, snippy stories, mad libs, punctuation scavenger hunt, and many more!
*A must for K-12 educators*