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Student Learning Objectives (SLOs): What Every Educator Needs to Know

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $250.00.

The focus of this course will be to provide educators with an overview of the Student Learning Objective process or SLO. According to the NYS Department of Education, a Student Learning Objective is an academic goal for a teacher’s students that is set a the start of a course. SLOs are aligned to Common Core Standards and are used to measure student growth, as well as teacher effectiveness. In this course participants will research the purpose and benefits of the SLO process as well as the required components of SLOs. Participants will learn which educators are responsible for for writing SLOs and how these learning objectives factor into the teacher evaluation system (APPR). In addition, educators will have the opportunity to view and evaluate state provided model SLOs written by NYS educators, across all grade levels/content/specialty areas. Resources will be provided for educators to engage in a “how to” SLO writing process. As a culminating activity participants will write his/her own grade level/content area SLOs. This course will utilize a variety of resources such as videos, webinars, and articles from various websites including: htt::// Appropriate for all educators K-12, especially specialty area teachers.

ON-LINE (3 credits/45 hours) in-service credit only


(3 credits/45 hours) In-serivce credits only


Rose Marino-Foster
